NnK: July 30

Day 617, 21:49 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

政府は次のような声明を出し� ��:

Hello honourable citizens of Japan!
This Office of the Speaker of Congress, Nihon no Koe (Voice of Japan), handles the relay of information from the Japanese government, directly to you.

First, we have a special report from Japanese Election Commissioner KITA Ikki:

Official JEC Report for July 2009 Congressional Elections

The Japan Election Commission (JEC) was able to defeat all the suspected rogue candidates (Atthis, 70mD, and Saix), except one in Kanto region, where wildcards make it difficult to ensure that a candidate is ousted. KITA Ikki, the JEC Commissioner was able to use IRC to organize alternate candidates which enabled party presidents Lauri Mursu of the TFC and Tohru of the ISP.

Thank you to Citizen Ryanon and Citizen Saru Sorrow for helping out with this phase of JEC operations. The JEC was able to eliminate two rogue candidates before casting a single vote! Party Presidents are strongly encouraged to have backup congressional candidates prepared so they can easily disqualify such candidates.

An additional thank you to Citizen Zerouk, Citizen Smradoljub, and Citizen DonarudoDamashii.

Also, a special thanks to ULJ party president Yuuko and her party for volunteering to support JEC operations in addition to their own candidate running for congress on another party's ticket.

The active participation of these eJapanese citizens made it possible to keep congressional gold and experience in eJapanese hands as well as give a chance for someone to represent eJapanese citizens in their government. If you would like to support the JEC, please send a private message to the JEC organization.

A Postscript
Finally, the citizenship module is upon us! It is the hope of the Commissioner that this will eliminate the need for active JEC operations. However, rogue candidates will likely still slip through, even with (or perhaps especially because of) congressional approval of immigrants.


Government News

The Kyushu Situation
Our beloved southern Home Island is once again part of our nation. As our allies, the Indonesians, have now established a foothold in North America, they have returned to us our province. We have been assured that Japan will receive its due payment for the use of the island within two weeks.

New Training War
The Diet of Japan has approved our alliance with Lithuania that will soon become the Latvia-Lithuania war games. We look forward to this training opportunity starting soon.

Presidential Elections
The presidential elections are beginning to form. As we get a better picture of who the candidates will be come election day, the Koe will publish a more in-depth article regarding Japan's choices.

North Korean Refugees
Russia's invasion of North Korea has led many of their citizens to take refuge in Japan. They are now officially Japanese citizens, though many still identify with Korea and some have spoken of becoming part of the South Korean community once the Protectorate is reestablished as a sovereign nation.


Citizenship and Immigration
With citizenship now a part of our country, there is some discussion in congress about establishing guidelines for approving new Japanese citizens and an Office of Immigration. Participate in the discussion here.

The Sempai-Kouhai Program
Part of the Imperial Sun Party's election platform was the establishment of a program that will provide new citizens of Japan with mentors to guide them in their infancy. The realization of this promise is the Sempai-Kouhai Program Proposal.

The Sol Alliance
There is a proposal to establish an international body of united East Asian nations. First proposed by President of China Snayke, the Sol Alliance is currently being discussed in congress. Participate in the discussion here.

Forum Bonus
If you're a new citizen, register on the forum here: here. then apply for citizenship and your citizens forum bonus. The current bonus is 15 JPY. Be sure to take advantage.


Military Reform Continues
Secretary of Defense Geno Garon has put forth some potential plans for the restructuring of the Army, presenting them: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-orange-army-needs-your-help—871436/1/20 Voice your opinions.

Military Operations
The Japanese Imperial Army currently has no operations planned since the end of the PEACE war games and the Japanese Government's decision to take no official stance in current international conflicts.


Noted farmer and suspected vigilante Tanaka Fujimori continues to drive a discussion on future opportunities for expansion of Japanese culture here. We in the government would also like to see some suggestions for incorporation of Korean culture into our nation so long as the Republic of Korea remains a Japanese protectorate. Send suggestions to me, the Speaker of Congress or of course bring up a discussion on the forums.

~国会議長, 御剣令治, 日本の声
~The Speaker of Congress, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK

eJapan forum: http://www.nipponblog.net
ejapan IRC: https://www.mibbit.com/chat/?server=irc.coldfront.net&channel=%23eJapan