NnK: July 18

Day 606, 07:59 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

Hello honourable citizens of Japan!
This Office of the Speaker of Congress, Nihon no Koe (Voice of Japan), handles the relay of information from the Japanese government, directly to you.

Government News

Cabinet Changes
As noted in this Presidential Address, recent events have led to some changes in the Cabinet of Japan. M-Ursu and KITA Ikki will now be serving as Vice Secretaries of Defense under Geno Garon. While Reiji Mitsurugi will be, as Speaker of Congress, performing the duties of Public Relations Secretary. Mitsurugi is therefore, now responsible for publishing this Nihon no Koe bulletin.

The Kyushu Situation
The Government of Japan asks for the citizens' continued patience with the loan of Kyushu to Indonesia. We have received the first installment of the payments for the use of our beloved Home Island, and eagerly await more. The Government hopes that the people of Japan will continue to be supportive of its efforts throughout the duration of this global political turmoil.

The Hokkaido Hospital
Japan has just established its second top-quality hospital. The people of our northernmost Home Island, Hokkaido, may now take advantage of the medical facilities identical to those currently available in the capital at Kanto. This is a tremendous boon to the people of Japan and a cause of great excitement here in the Government. The establishment of the hospital should also alleviate some of the crowding problems in the capital, as people in Hokkaido can now receive the same services.

New Training War
The Government has been approached with several new options for a replacement training war, following the closure of the South American PEACE war games. We expect that within a few weeks' time, Japan will have a whole new set of war games in which to participate. Once again, we ask for the citizens' continued patience. Participate in the discussion on one option here.


Japan Election Commission
With the congressional elections coming up soon, Congressman Kita's Election Commission is once again sparking some discussion. The Commission has been established and funded, now is a discussion about its operating policies. See Congressman Kita's proposal and the surrounding discussion here.

Forum Bonus
If you're a new citizen, register on the forum here: here. then apply for citizenship and your citizens forum bonus. The current bonus is 15 JPY. Be sure to take advantage.


Public Relations Officer
The last issue of the Nihon no Koe reported that a Public Relations Officer position was created to report the goings-on of the military to the people of Japan. Well, that Public Relations Officer was Reiji Mitsurugi, who has just recently been appointed Speaker of Congress and therefore administrator of the Nihon no Koe. As such, the positions will be consolidated and the Voice of Japan will now publish updates on the Army as well as the Government.

Further Military Reform
With congress approving a monthly budget of 25 gold for the use of the Army, there has been some talk of additional reform by top military officials. Some officers believe that 25 gold is insufficient for an army of the Japanese Imperial Army's size, and have proposed some reforms, including a reduction in personnel, to make the Army workable within the current budget. The new plan will be put before the Diet and the Japanese people soon.

Military Operations
The Japanese Imperial Army currently has no operations planned since the end of the PEACE war games and the Japanese Government's decision to take no official stance in current international conflicts.


The Monetary Market
A tremendous amount of Japanese Yen has recently been bought off the market, leaving the currency exchange empty. Quick action by the Japanese Government, particularly Minister of Finance Akki, prevented financial calamity. The issue of 20,000 Yen was part of that maneuver.


Speaker of Congress Reiji Mitsurugi's cultural initiatives are still being discussed here. While noted farmer Tanaka Fujimori has proposed his own ideas for new holidays and even a sports program here.

~国会議長, 御剣令治, 日本の声
~The Speaker of Congress, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK

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