NnK: JIA Roll Call

Day 611, 04:29 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

Hello soldiers of the JIA,

As you know, recent events have devastated our offices and our ranks and we’ve fallen far behind what we had hoped to achieve.
Some debate has taken place about the purpose of the JIA- how it should be organised and structured. Many favour our current structure (it needs cleaned up, I know) and some others want to change it completely.

Regardless, we need to see who is still actively interested in being a part of the JIA and thus, we require you to answer to the Roll Call. It will also help us to update our records.

Please click the link below and fill out the form. You have 3 days to respond. People who have notified us of their absence in the Army forum are exempt. If you’ve already answered to the Roll Call from the forum, then don’t answer from here.

Click: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=cmdGLWdxTExzNUVHMTlXeE1NT2h1S0E6MA..

~Minamoto, Captain of the JIE