Nithraldur - IUP Presidential candidate's manifesto

Day 441, 12:05 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nithraldur

Greetings fair residents of Ireland,

First of all, my apologies for the late release of this manifesto. This was due to me being occupied IRL aswell as the late announcement of me being put forward as the IUP candidate.

In this manifesto, I will be following a similar format to that used by our current President, Inquitus (also the IUP party leader), before his election. The reason for this is that I believe his manifesto was clear, well structured and strong on detail, showing the people his history, his aims and most importantly how he would achieve them.

I believe I belong among Ireland’s remaining and active old residents, having joined here nearly a year ago. Ireland has been my only home (except for a week in Belgium when I started out), and I intend to keep it like this.

I have been a former FF member and leader, back in the old days when the game mechanics were very different to what they are today. Having supported party presidents in their decisions , providing public relations for my party and beign a part of the Cabinet. This has broadened my knowledge on how to effectively be a member, and/or a leader of an elected Government.

I have been the Irish ambassador to France, the Netherlands, and currently hold the position of Irish ambassador to Canada. I also have ties with the people currently trying to re-build the Belgian nation. Many former politicians should know my name and should know what I stand for.

I am currently the Irish minister of Health. I have been working together closely with Snakeyes in order to effectively provide our citizens with the health they deserve, to the extend that our, in all fairness, relatively small nation can provide.

- Government: I believe a consensus driven government is still the way to go for Ireland. Cabinet positions should be offered to all leading parties. Inquitus has already established this and I wish to keep following this trend as it has proved itself to be far more effective than the older system.

- Employment: Our current state owned companies are providing all new citizens with a living wage and of course a job, allowing them to subsequently exist. The limit will be, as previously enstated, from 0 to 3 skill.

- Inflation: 1 Gold is still worth about 131 IEP. The market has decided this. Changing this to be more beneficial using state gold would be disasterous. We simply do not have the necessary funds to make such an intervention by ourselves. Even more, there are plenty of third parties out there that can easily outspend the government, reducing our effectiveness and options even more than they are now. Instead we willl need to continue develop our ideas, proposing them to the combined intellect of the congress, and try to reach consensus on a new approach to deal with this situation. There is no quick fix, I believe that any solution we can come up with will take time. The scar left on the Irish economy is far too big to be healed in one term.

- Health: Ireland owns a Gift company. We also have a steady supply of Diamonds, also provided by the State. While offering jobs to even low skilled people for a fair wage, we can still produce Gifts which than in turn can be purchased by the Health Minister via his Health Organisation. He can than adequately distribute the Gifts to the people of Ireland who are in dire need of help. More wellness means happier citizens and better productivity. A gift reserve in case of a military conflict is always a nice ace to hold in our hand.

- Once again, the 6 counties!: I wish to carry on Inquitus's wishes for dialogue with the UK on the subject of a United Ireland. This is of course can only be done via friendly discussion, I believe any other means of trying to accomplish this is absolutely out of the question. Now that our dear Final Destiny is trying to gain presidency of the UK, I believe that this dialogue can be
renewed with vigour.

- The Army: Inquitus has already started the idea of allocating a reserve of items usable by the army in case of an emergency. This idea isn’t fully completed yet. Seeing as I tought this idea to be very beneficial to the nation I wish to see it fulfilled and will continue this line. This line involves us stockpiling some weapons, tickets, food and gifts. Of course, as our President has already stated, this takes more than 1 term to fully accomplish.

Establishing and maintaining an MPP with the UK is a priority. Our closest neighbour as well as our best friend with whom I wish to remain on friendly footing with, and even more. Aid for our ally when he is in need will surely be provided as we believe they will do the same for us. As for other MPP’s….I hardly see the use for them as they cost a bundle of Gold, which our national treasury lacks. Friendly relations should however be maintained thus leaving us with all options at our disposal when a specific occasion arises.

- Growth: The only way currently available to our nation is to offer new players a fair and decent living wage in order to encourage them to start playing in Ireland. This is in my opinion the only real effective way of attracting immigrants who in turn will boost our economy which we can surely use.

- Foreign Relations: Having good connections or at least connections with other nations of the eWorld is vital for our intelligence and image we send out to the World. If we withdraw ourselves from any dialogue we will get excluded and increase the risk of hostilities towards us. Instead we need to put ourselves out there, be assertive and offer a fair and thought – trough view on recent events. Any course of action we will take than will of course be debated by the Congress. Transparancy is something the people should wish for, and something they will receive.

I hope this has addressed the most vital issues the people wish to know about. Of course going into detail will be done with the Congress in order to see these ideas trough. All that remains for me to say now is to wish good luck to the other candidates. I believe you both will try to do what you think is best for Ireland, as will I.

For Ireland!!


Nithraldur - Presidential candidate for the Irish Union Party (IUP)