Nith will be voting for..

Day 1,108, 11:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nithraldur
.. this inanimate cardboard box!

Why Nith? Why?!

It’s my humble opinion that, contrary to what others dare to say, if we have to vote on any of the candidates currently up, we might all just throw away our vote. It won’t really make a difference.

Honestly, we have the choice between Gormley, Ferrin and Chaney.. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not convinced about dear Gormley’s abilities (no offence) and well, I’m not to keen on handing our country over to the ICA again, since that’s essentially what both the other candidates are. I’ve seen enough thievery and treachery for a few months, thank you.

In all seriousness, giving the ICA money to ‘fall in’, doesn’t sound the least peculiar to any of you? Really? I really don’t care how much any of you claims to – nothavehadanythingtodowithit -, it’s your organisation, it’s it’s responsability and you still are a member which supports it. End of.

Anyway, I don’t want to pick on anyone specific so I won’t go further in on that. Let’s just say that, once you actually fight against me and my companions, like I’ve seen our neighourhood rogues do, you’re pretty much done in my book.

So, for all of you out there who think like me (and now don’t act like you might not be one of them, I know there are more around), join me and vote for the true unity that is the Cardboard Box Party! They’re brown, they’re square but hey, they don’t care!

Viva el Cardboard Box!
..strength through storage..

The Cardboard Box Party, puts their shoulders under their candidate. For Ireland!

Cheerfully yours
