Nith Vs Starks, Round 2!

Day 591, 09:18 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

Just like last month I will write another what some might dub a 'controversial' pre election article. While I know I just got back, I have read over quite a number of articles and have been thoroughly informed on events during my near two week absence (lucky for some lol). That said, this article reflects upon my time in eIreland as a whole and doesn't focus on one month. I hope it spices up what would appear to be an otherwise dull Presidential election (my absence can take some, if not, most of the blame for that and I apologize once again). Nithraldur will not be campaigning (for obvious reasons) and I have yet to see the opposition campaign (other than the article announcing their candidacy oh and that five promises article from Tal...). This article is more a reflection rather than merely a campaign article. This will not of course be an unbiased editorial (to write such columns isn't in my job description) however I will try my best not to be too provoking in nature. You will notice despite the fact this article doesn't even touch upon policy areas (the same policies that come up from both sides every month) it is longer than some previous Presidential manifestos...

Same thing, different month?
To be honest, when I came back I wasn't surprised to see Starks Hayter running and the band wagon rolling again. Starks Hayter is the undisputed leader of the opposition (re-elected party leader of the ISRP unopposed) and third parties in eIreland naturally want to shed some influence on the election outcome (they have no chance in running alone and what's the point in supporting the party with almost twice as much members than anybody else). Quite frankly it's flattering to see almost every party eIreland band together against IUP (it's built into political culture at this point), especially before we even put a candidate forward lol It depicts the IUP's strength as a party. Some might throw a spin on that and say it's because 'change is urgently needed' and it's a reflection upon the evil tyranny of the IUP... I say what a load of cobblers (and will explain why further on). So the opposition remains exactly the same (minus the elaborate campaign and any controversy), now onto the incumbent.

Nithraldur, Nithraldur and Nithraldur? Oh my!
It is unfortunate that the IUP couldn't muster a successor to Nithraldur in time for the election (my fault entirely) and for that reason Nithraldur has been put forward again (the eIrish electorate deserve at least some choice on election day). In short, I gave the same opposition the same opponent. Someone people knew well enough so that a manifesto or introduction would not be needed. Does Nithraldur care if he wins or not? This question has caused some steer already. Nithraldur has won the Presidency three times before however this time round the odds of him winning are substantially lower than previous elections. If he wins, he would be very much happy to take over for another term and as always will totally dedicate himself to a job he knows inside and out at this point. If he loses he isn't going to disappear from eIreland and go cry in some corner (it's just a game and he is prepared for the apparent likely outcome) Why Nithraldur though? Why has Nithraldur been elected so many times in past? The answer is simple: the eIrish public was happy with his performance on more than one occasion and if elected he will perform again.

I've been Party President of the IUP three times now, it lingers the question why haven't I gone for Country President yet? I have (albeit slightly) more experience than the opposition. I can assure you it is not my love of being eIreland Vice President (a mere pretentious advisory role) but instead the fact Nithraldur is the most active, dedicated and capable citizen I came across in eRepublik. I was fan of his long before I ever spoke to him (infact, my very first shout was a Vote Nithraldur). Later I was lucky enough to get the chance to work with him, which only heightened my opinion of him. It is no secret I talk to Nithraldur pretty much everyday (minus my absence from the internet) and let me tell yea the role of President is not something to taken lightly. Most the of work to be done is tedious, administrative and the thanks you get is endless scrutiny (most of which is totally unfounded and motivated by party politics). Chances are I will run for President here someday (the babyboomer's future will come) but I think eIreland should think twice before relinquishing a President of such high quality and esteem. If you look up our history books you will see that we have a history for re-electing the good guys.

But We Hate Nithraldur And His Diabolical Scheming!
Nithraldur had an evil idea this month: let's make eIreland more fun. The plan was simple, well organized and if not for a leak would have been executed. There would be a war between eIreland and eUK except neither country would lose and both countries would get a chance to indulge in senseless politically charged patriotism (you would have loved it, imagine the enthusiasm as we walked through Northern Ireland). Only the people who needed to, would know. This was to maximize entertainment and better keep the secret. How would another training war be fun? The idea of participating in a real war is obviously more exciting. People were told over and over again not to spend their money and time in the war however they did. I don't blame them, afterall they had fears of an invasion in mind (little did they know Nithraldur had everything under control). To be perfectly honest I had serious doubts it would work and feared a negative public reaction. The plan did fail and rather than have some fun people took the game very seriously. Didn't eIreland want more fun??? I commend Nithraldur for at least trying to make the game more entertaining for people (and if you consider demands in the past, it was a very valid one)... If you want, throw a spin on that and say Nithraldur was an evil schemer who went behind his country's back for his own psychotic gain, please go ahead.

But We Need Change... Change!
I have said this time and time again: there is only a marginal difference between parties in eIreland, the difference being the personalities that make up them. I am sorry to say there is no ideological divide and anybody who suggests one clearly never studied political science in any dept. Is the ISRP inherently more socialist than the IUP? Nope, we are both populist parties pandering to a widely socialist public. They, just like us, have members with a multitude of political opinions (except we openly embrace them). I challenge somebody to actually point out socialist policies in the ISRP that aren't also in the IUP and vice versa . I read an interesting article recently that stated eIreland is socialist and I have to agree. This is a very stable country (boring considering its just a game...) A status quo has been established here long ago and no amonth of young enthusiasm is going to radically change it. lol just look at all the Congressmen/women with innovative ideas who get shot down simply because they lacked the experience to put it forward for logical debate. D'know some politicians here do this 'trick' which I find hilarious: They make their jobs sound so very complex and overwhelming, people get the illusion they are very active and have so much more knowledge than them so that nobody poses a threat. It is just an illusion and anybody can easily and quickly learn the robes of any role in eIreland (take from somebody who has had many: this is a game not rocket science). People for the most part though are generally happy (maybe even bored) with how things are and as a nation we tend to love the phrase: 'If it Ain't Broke Don't Fix It'.

The role of the President is very limited and much of the success depends upon the performance of the Cabinet (particularly the 'core' ministries) and Congressional approval. In reality, the President is not painting on a blank canvas and simply has to perform administrative functions to ensure the status quo prevails. Who best to do that than an experienced active citizen who knows the job. Sure, we can improve the system gradually by adding on new roles, organizing and creating more opportunities for social interaction, securing deals abroad etc (eIreland has come along way) however I promise you there be no radical change regardless the election outcome. We have yet to see a manifesto in this election (I won't refer the jokes) and I can tell you now manifestos don't make an ounce of difference. Like I mentioned above eIreland has had its fair share of being told the same thing, in slightly different way, every month from the same parties...

What would I change? (Who Asked You Severin...)
I have a dream (just when you taught this article couldn't become more melodramatic... ) Some might assume this would entail the IUP gaining thousands of members and me proclaiming myself as Emperor of the e-world... lol that would be boring and my ego doesn't need gratification from a game (I get that from glorified rants like this aha) No I love competition and a country can only benefit from it politically and economically. Imagine if the smaller parties in eIreland didn't dilute their core beliefs (if they had any fundamentally different ones in the first place) but instead came together to form a coalition to pose a threat to the mainstream parties? Imagine there was no populist parties but instead a definite right and left? Imagine our political culture changed to allow for such a thing and people abandoned their social prejudices and acted out real life ideologies, no matter how dated? (think ICF without the insults) Even if they couldn't be implemented in full I know for sure they are things we can change here and then reverse, debate etc. Imagine something like party loyalty? Imagine how much more important Congress elections would be (right now its just a mix of enthusiasm that eventually dies out and free riders)... I have said in the past you have to make your own fun here however perhaps we can make it more fun for everybody, doing the best we can with the game mechanics we have. For this to happen we would first need more active politically charged citizens (bear in mind I use the words politically charged loosely). Enough of the same boring divides and mundane arguments... Anyway that's just a baffled summary of what I want and I'll post a more detailed and coherent article in the near future (the start of what I hope will be an enlightening crusade).

All eIreland needs at the moment is a top quality politician, who is active and knows what he/she is doing. I can assure you Nithraldur is that politician. I have a lot of respect for Starks Hayter. We practically grew up here at the same time, working side by side sometimes however we choose different, albeit very similar political paths (lol just look at our eRepublik CVs). Our time will come in a future I hope that will allow for some real change and some real political fun! (yay!)

*wonders will anybody read the entire article or just reply to snippets from the top*
As always, thank you kindly for your attention and time,