Nith's inflammatory article

Day 775, 13:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nithraldur

Yup, it’s the time again. Been a long while since I’ve been out there in the media, isn’t it? Recent developments have stirred me hard enough to come out and write something again. What’s it about? A few things actually, but mostly about the upcoming elections. I’m normally not one to criticise ahead of the elections, but a build – up of circumstances have pushed me to do this. I can’t just sit by anymore and do nothing, I just have to speak up, this once..

I’ll also add this in advance, anything I say in here comes from me, not from my party or anyone else. These are personal opinions. They aren’t personal attacks and are made entirely by my eRepublik character. That being said, don’t feel offended. If you do feel offended, that’s fine too, but I don’t really care as anything said will be the harsh truth, like it or not. You might be better off getting a good laugh….in some way.. You have been warned, this article will come across as harsh and unforgiving to many, but I’ve never been one to hold back on the truth, especially not when it’s been bugging me for this long. I’ve got nothing against you personally, I’m just looking out for Ireland and it’s citizens, they have the right to know, they have the right to know my opinion as much as anyone else’s

Onward! (for those who want..)

Edana Savage
First one on the grill, miss Edana Savage. Who doesn’t know her? I bet all of the newbies do, which leads me to my first point. It’s perfectly fine to be great at what you do and be applauded for it. Nothing wrong with that and I actually support it. But there really is a hair in the butter. What I can’t wrap my head around is, why would someone want to use their position for their own benefit?

Let’s not forget, you have applied for a job and got it. It’s not like the government forced it on you. You are hired to fulfill a duty, a duty that was created by the government and that you volunteered to do. Again, I’m not saying that you aren’t doing a good job, I’m just saying, why does there always need to be some sort of hidden message, or always a form of giving that extra nudge, saying: “Hey, it’s me who did this, me, Edana, don’t forget that name, it might come up in an election.”

What bugged me the most a while back, was the creation of the new citizens message. All good info yes, no quarrel there, but I don’t know if anyone noticed, but why did that message need to end with the adding of that certain minister name? Really, it’s a message sent endorsed by the government to EVERY new Irish citizen. Surely there’s no need for one person to gain extra benefit from this? The aim of a citizen message is to include as many vital information possible to give the new player a better chance at surviving the first days in this new world. The amount of characters you can enter in this welcoming text is already limited, is there really a need for an extra mention to one government official?

And than lastly, the most important part, the national goal of conquering Northern Ireland? Seriously? Not this again… I know that all want war, and by the way, in case you didn’t notice, you HAVE war, but this is not the way to go. Attacking the UK is still a big no – no. We are currently helping our ally Malaysia in a war that doesn’t directly put us at risk. Why is this not good enough? You have 2 battles almost every day. Why is there the need to fight while putting our own soil at risk? Putting good relations at risk? Putting our future at risk? Sure, war spices things up. I’d like to see the look on your face though when this spicing up reduces Ireland to a British province. I've been informed that there was a mistake in play, concerning the conquering of Northern Ireland as a goal. I've looked it up and seems like you have informed the people of the mistake in a comment on your own article. However I'd advise you to make this mistake publicly known, as it will affect the voting balance GREATLY. Because of the settings being definate, I can not change this paragraph, since there is always the factor of doubt. Readers, be advised, this candidate has said that the conquering of NI is a mistake and that the keeping of current regions is the actual goal. However it can not be reverted. Make of it what you want. I still advise to make a public stand about this, miss Edana.

Alright miss, enough grilling for now. No pun intended, just stating some facts here. It has to be said, out of all the candidates, I still think Edana is the best.. Yeah, really… Odd isn’t it? There’s a reason why I started out with her first. If I have to pick someone, I’d pick the lesser of all the evils. And there’s plenty more evil around than miss Savage. Therefore, my personal endorsement for this elections goes to Edana Savage. Stop looking at me like that..I’m not joking…really….sigh, just read on and you’ll find out why. Eeeeeveryone’s a critic these days.

Miss Savage, this picture is still warrante😛

Ahh, mister Appleman. Our incumbent President. I have to say, there’s nothing much TO say. Whereas Patton was mister visible, mister around – every – day, mister constant – update, you are mister invisible, mister barely – around and mister scarce – update. I’m sorry, but it has to be said.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a President slack this hard. Long time since I’ve seen a President rely on his cabinet and Vice – President to do all the work for him. This really bugs me, if you don’t have what it takes, if you don’t WANT to have what it takes, if you don’t want to invest the time in being President, than don’t run. It’s as simple as that, but don’t put a stick up Ireland and dance it like a puppet. It will come around and bite you.

Your national goals have not been accomplished. Of course not, they were unrealistic. But your recent set of goals are much much much lower, actually, they are non – existant. Increasing things 1% is something my nephew could handle, and he’s 5. Heck, I bet if I press WORK one day I’d have increased us by 1%. Hard words? Probably, but I don’t hold a half – assed management close at heart. Other than that, if you did make an update, it’s just a sum up of what congress has accomplished. Nothing you had anything actively to do with. It’s easy taking credit for someone elses work.

Your grilling is rather short, but nevertheless, still straight to the point with a lot of volatile points, if I say so myself. Edana’s was longer, but I feel yours is much more painful.

For you, mister AppleMan:

Dan Murchadh
Dan.. Dan, Dan, Dan.. Where to begin? 80ish days of play and you want to run with the ‘big boys’? What warrants this? Back in the old days (yeah yeah, I know), you were called a newbie if you had less than 200 days of play. These days, people seem to think it’s normal to be a President after 2 months of play?

This leads me to believe that there is a great misconception. People seem to think that being President is easy. Well, give mister Hayter a call, he’ll let you know that it isn’t. Just like him, the underestimation of the job is what is going to drag you down. It’s all nice, putting in ‘effort’ in fairly short manifesto’s in advance of an election, but that’s not the job. The job is, after being elected, doing what you NEED to do. Running a campaign isn’t being President. You need a good campaign to convince the voters, agreed, but you must not forget, your primary goal is working for Ireland, AFTER the election. I’d say you are just like Starks Hayter, but he had a flashy campaign…and that was it. You..well..don’t.

Your views on what Ireland should do are minimalistic. The latest governments have worked hard in expanding Ireland’s effectiveness and security (not counting the President.. ). Why should we cut down on them again? They are ideas of citizens much older and much more experienced than you, and voted in agreement by a whole congress where most are more experienced, me included. Why do we suddenly need to reduce ourselves? What guarantee do we have that we don’t drag ourselves down? I for one am done on betting on ideas of new players who seem to think they know best. I’m sorry, but I’m just done.

Another note, being President isn’t just being concerned with the economy. Even if those ‘grand’ ideas would work, which they won’t since they have already been tried, you are still lacking the other package of skills. A President has much more to do than just make articles about the economy and on how you believe capitalism is better. We want to know how you communicate, how you interact with other leaders, how you will let us know what you are doing and more importantly HOW you are doing it. It’s one thing doing what you want with our money, it’s a whole other thing explaining what you are doing and actually justifying it. We want to see results, not speculations. We want to be informed, we want to be number one, not the companies. At this point, I’m not really convinced that you have what it takes. Maybe a few more months of scouting would help..

Dan, this is yours:

Haha, this will be a funny one. The destroyer of democracy, I like to call him. Moomoo, your best accomplishment is organising your party to a level that they all vote accordingly in order to get the most seats in congress. Everyone knows that, these people are not necesarilly the most suited. Remember the guy who didn’t even have a forum account? Or the guy trashing the Dail for voting down a rediculous proposal by the same guy? People should be allowed to vote for who they want, when they want. Unbiased by your tunnelvision. Your party is not god’s gift to Ireland, there are many more people that are much more capable. But no, those positions go to a semi – afk 2 clicker that has no notion of the game. Thank you for helping Ireland, moo.

Other than that, do you even have an opinion on things, or do you just let other people do the work for you? Do we have a second AppleMan here? Are you even online, or just sporadic every 2 days? I for one don’t see you around. Again, I’m not going to vote for the next Hayter.

In your manifesto, you said you’d bring war. Although like I have previously said, we already have war. Now I see your goals…keep current regions.. Where did this change come from? Can we expect the same liable behaviour as President? God help us… I’ve also noticed that you have failed to enlist in the IDF. What’s that all about? This can only lead me to one want to bring war, you will probably bring more war, but you won’t fight in it since you are not in the IDF, nor will we win since you have stated we will keep the current regions. Nice and productive there hu? Great gift of foresight.

Lastly, 45% increase in GDP? I have seen your argumentation and your reasoning, and I must say, it was hard to swallow. There is a real world you know, not just your own world. Saying that the 45% needs to be accounted on the GDP of the past month, not the state it is in now, is rediculous. It’s a way of farming the votes of the unknowing. 45% does look pretty, but it is most likely unattainable since this would mean an increase of 445 gold over 30 days. Last month, our GDP has…shrunk. Saying that it is only 190 gold will not save your face, don’t linger in the past, don’t make up your own rules, play the game the way it is now and bring some real change. Ireland is today, not last month.

Especially for you mister moomoo, I have looked for 2 suiting pictures, the first one saying something about your IDF capabilities and the 2nd one being more..general..:


Kit Fisto
I bet you’re scared now hu? Last one on the list, wondering while reading ‘where’s my name?’ Well here it is, mister Kit Fisto. Actually, Kit, there’s no need to be scared. I have little to say about you. Your poems have always been nice and you have always been nice to me. I applaud your creativity. What I don’t applaud is that you are just running for the sake of running. I could understand this if you were providing a democratic alternative, but you’d need to have a prior in order to be allowed to make such a move, which you don’t have.

There’s more to running a country than being a bard. If only we were able to lull other countries into doing what we want, than we’d give gold to have you. Sadly, this is not the case. I’m not going to be hard on you, atleast you didn’t make it look like you were the grandest thing alive in servitude of Ireland. For this, I will end here and wish you good luck in the future. The same argument like Dan received though, more experience is an absolute necessity.

For you, Kit, I’ve tried to be nice and found one more suiting for your profile (I felt a bit bad doing this, as you don’t really deserve a facepalm yet, but I have to stay in line here..):

Bit of a long rant, hu?
Well it ends here..phew, that felt good, getting it all off my chest. I assure you, this is to be a one time only event. It just started forming a pile. I feel much better now, thank you concerned fellow man.

Remember, this is not intended to be offensive, this is my personal opinion on recent developments. Don’t like it? Tough luck. Find out what’s wrong and what needs to change in order to be a suited Presidential candidate. My eRepublik character is being mean to many people these days, I’m just following through. Of course this is no pointless meanness, I’m hoping you all can improve when the facts get out into the world. I know it’s been a long article, I hope you haven’t fallen asleep and I hope the message got through.

This is a wake – up call

Ireland needs the best, shape up and give it to them! Some of you might have the ability, some of you might not, but do your best to find out. Not everyone is President material, heck, sometimes even the wrong guy gets voted in, but those always feel the consequences afterwards. Go ahead, find out, become the great leader we all want you to be!

Signing off..

Evil Nith