NiN 2.3

Day 441, 19:14 Published in USA USA by AidenAstrup

Congressman activity and votes are now public. The system was created by ProggyPop, the current Speaker of House.

In an effort to create further congressional organization and to keep the market controlled, all construction companies are being sent a
informing them that they need to keep government informed of their schedule, and cost info.

A citizen, irritated that congress has not altered the minimum wage issued a vote on the forums asking citizens what THEY want to see the minimum wage as. He says "Raising the minimum wage to the price of the cheapest food is not a very radical change, would not effect the economy very much, and would enable new players to do things like save enough money to buy a house or not starve to death."

Moishe has released an article to help workers understand how much they are worth to a company and deicde if their wage is fair.