NiN 2.10

Day 448, 15:43 Published in USA USA by AidenAstrup

This applies to ALL issues and I don't think people have realized this: The Information Below Does Not Represent My Opinion Only Or Even At All. Each News Article Attempts To Catch All Angles.

A proposal on the forums to create an embargo with Switzerland went to congress today, those for it are against the current Theocratic Party controlling the government. Those against it believe an embargo won't do anything to anyone's economy, except cause minor disruptions in ours and that talking to them is better in the long run.

There is talk of bringing the CTPA back once more after its distruptions due to the Emergency Legislations enacted to bring the Federal Reserve to a safe level. Congress is still discussing the options.

Country President, Uncle Sam, announced why he wants the embargo, and a transfer of $60,000 to his own Federal Reserve which is called Fort Knox Federal Reserve. "The USA is at risk of possible invasion. In preparation of any kind of war, I would like access to a portion on the Treasury." said President Uncle Sam in his proposal.

As of today there is no more trivia when working or training causing a 50% reduction in productivity - companies will now have to begin slashing wages, raising prices or performing a mix of both. A week of adjustment is expected.