NiN 1.30

Day 437, 18:12 Published in USA USA by AidenAstrup

Amid complaints about inactive congressman, and inexperienced congressman who divert crucial plans to assist the eUS in times of danger, congress leaders have proposed a Quorum System which would create a division in the non-formal votes of congress such as the CTPA and Emergency Legislation proposed this month. The Quorum would be made up of the 25 most active congressman. A public vote is taking place and more than 70% of congressman support the idea.

A new voting record system is now in place that allows more transparency in what congressman are voting on and how they are voting. This system comes after many proposals on ways to increase public access to records of congressman activity and opinions in an attempt to prevent troublesome congressman from returning.

A proposal to donate most foreign currency in the nations treasury to be sold for gold was made today and upon receiving enough votes, was officially sent into the eRepublik system to be voted on. This would curb the damages created by the liquidation of the Federal Reserve earlier this week. The proposal is receiving unanimous approval with the current votes at 27-0.

In the second occurrence of the past two months, there were no skill 0 jobs available on the market. A forum post shows how many citizens were affected by this - even though companies were quick to snatch up the high demand for jobs. Some citizens worry this is a sign of how companies are doing - Canada experienced the same problem that day.