Next Level

Day 890, 06:50 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Jeverag

>>> Levels

How do I know my levels has been spent.
Because my level-up-and-go, got up and went.
In spite of all that, still able to grin,
Thinking where my level-up-and-go has been.

Old age is golden, many times it state,
Yet sometimes wonder as I get into battle.
Weapons in the hand, eyes on command,
Tickets on pockect until I moved.

When I was born my clicks were bored.
I could circle hands around my head.
When I grew stronger my clicks were nice.
But those circles could be tiresome.

Now that I am here my paper is blank.
I alter something and put it back.
The reason I know my levels is spent.
My level-up-and-go has got up and went.

I open each day log in my clicks.
Pick up the paper and read the news.
Look what is missing, I know I'm not alone.
So I eat a good food and go back to home.
