NewsLetter : Economic State of India Rising(Org)

Day 436, 13:45 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

Hi everyone, for those who don't know I am the owner of India Rising organization.
I have been actively trying to get good and cheap products to India, and try to diffuse foreign companies taking advantage of India's empty Markets.

India Rising

Thanks to tremendous support from the Indian community, I have been able to successfully operate
TicketsEZ Q1
WeaponsEZ Q2

With Hard working employees I have been providing tickets as cheap as possible to the country.
Weapons still are being stocked up primarily due to lack of demand.

I was hasty and started many Q1 or Q2 companies, in hope of lots of profit. But I quickly realized that Q1 companies barely run at no profit, and Q2 companies make slight profit if possible.

So, Slowly buy buying gold boxes I am upgrading my companies to Q3.

1) I upgraded my Oil company in USA to Q3 and hence have been able to slash tickets prices by over 7 INR from 33 INR -> 25 INR.

2) I am in process of upgrading my weapons company in India from Q2 - Q3 and that will mean that I will be able to provide Q3 weapons to India at 22-25 INR each, at a bare minimum profit.

3) I am planning to upgrade my wood company and grain Q2 companies in USA and Spain to Q3 in the next month too.

4) I closed off my GiftsEZ Q1, HouseEZ Q2, DiamondsEZ Q1 companes in India, USA, and Indonesia respectively due to lack of funds.

Come to India for incredible economic opportunities and enjoy.

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