News in Japan-Republik of China(Taiwan)

Day 1,591, 03:39 Published in Albania Slovenia by Kristel1990

This is an declaration president of Japan
Tha Taiwan forces are withdrawn from 3 Japan region.
1.Kanto(already have)
2.Tohoku(right now)
3.Hokkaido(after CP election)
From the recent event, I think it's fair to say that we all felt frustrated and disappointed, to some sort of degree. I tried my best to convey this feeling to Taiwan; and, as a response, I got the following answers:

1. That Taiwan will release three regions, Kanto (we already have), Tohoku (they are releasing it right now, in this RW), and Hokkaido (probably after the CP election). This is to show that they still do desire to be a friend, and wouldn't (and couldn't, due to the game mechanism) ever just wipe eJapan in that short amount of time again. It's also to show that, Taiwan still want to have faith in the majority of eJapan citizens, as to be wanting to be friendly, and can make the extremist insignificant if the proper chance is given.

2. That the reason why Taiwan had this wipe was because it was thought that the result of this election would make eJapan an enemy again, particularly because somebody who just fought against Taiwan showed up in the election as the 4th party leader, with his friend being the leader of the biggest party.

3. That they also want to be able to see friendly-ish from eJapan side, and would watch the next two elections (CP & PP) as an indicator of what it is that eJapan has and try to present.


The above are the meanings transcribed in the, well, most polit-ish form. I can also present what I can probably safely say what Taiwan has in mind by using a much more direct, but lesser polite quote:

"We [Taiwan] are trying to be eJapan's friend, but what the hell is eJapan doing by letting our enemy to be there?"




The problem has been, and always had been, the definition of "enemy"; with that in mind, I hope a more efficient method on making this definition to be equal on the both sides can be constructed.

Well, that being said..

Many people wonder whether or not I will run for the next presidency. I will have to tell everyone here that the answer is I don't know, and the reason I don't know if I am still running is because of RL. I will make an announcement again, when I finally can be sure (to a degree, at least) on what state things would be like in April.