News from Middle East

Day 1,181, 17:16 Published in Indonesia Turkey by salimalitiko

This is my first article sorry for mistakes.

Today Turkiye opened RW against to Grece and they won 2 round but last news Turkiye and Greece made peace. And Turks leave 2 part.One of them against to peace coz of condition. And second agree to peace coz they think they ll spend more gold in wars against to Greece.

So Turkiye ll get back their lands expect of Blacksea Coast and Southeastern Anatolia and they ll pay lots of money.

The other news our Bulgaria declared NE against Iran and Iran declared NE against Bulgaria. Now war opened in Yazd. But maybe it war for str bonus so we ll see it in a few days.

By the way our mpp ll finish today with Iran and eIran mofa offer new mpp with Indonesia.

About Turks in Indonesia. I think lots of them ll immigrate to Turkiye so our Turk population ll decrease this week. Lots of them is happy for living Indonesia and we won't forget it. Terima kasih for open your lands to us.

Ambassador of Turkey and Middle East
Leader of Turkish Commando