News from italy by Embassy - presidents interview inside

Day 837, 09:30 Published in Brazil Brazil by Fulvio Milocco
Hi evrybody, i'm Fulvio Milocco brazilian ambassador in italy from 2 months, this is my 3rd month as ambassador.

First article of this it will be on the president election of the 5 march 2010 - day 836

The candidates were :

Valkyrjur supported by aquila et gladius - Propaganda eItaliana and Fronte Nazionale.

pasquale mister supported by Nuovi eItaliani

citizen Cane supported by Partito Comunista Eitaliano - Eitalia dei valori - La Giovane eItalia - and P. Trotzkista eItaliano - MIR

supermaghe supported by movimento

Wood3Houses supported by piratepartie

votation's results are:

Citizen Cane - Eitalia dei valori
Partito Comunista Eitaliano
La Giovane eItalia
P. Trotzkista eItaliano - MIR

Valkyrjur - aquila et gladius
Fronte Nazionale
Propaganda eItaliana 2

supermaghe - movimento

pasquale mister - Nuovi eItaliani

Wood3Houses - Piratpartie

here you can find the governament team of this month

i've realized also little inteview with the new italian and brazilian president , let's what do they think:

me - what do you think of the other president ?

[junecaz] - unfortunately I do not yet know him 🙁. We never met yet but i'm sure we'll work well together.

[citizen cane] - i don't know personally him, but i think he is a great president, he is an old player and he's party is the biggest in the brazil. I'm also ready to work with him agaist poland, and i'd like to meet him asap.

me - i've just saw you're national goals ( ita - brz ), do you think you will reach them ? can you explain us also how ?

[junecaz] - Yes, I'm sure. I was still modest with 50% up, 100% is possible. We will work hard to achieve this !

[citizen cane] - First of all, we must specify that the national goals, they have no value in material terms. These serve only to indicate the possible targets, giving hope to the nation. Until now all previous governments, have set the timidly Golas 1% in each sector. Assured only to preserve the regions already under Italian control. Now I wonder we only need this? I believe that we must hope, and think greath, we need a real baby boom and to do this we will put all our efforts .

me - what do you think about the europe situation with entente phoenix and eden ?

[junecaz] - i realy sorry about all that shit going in europe hope phx can clean this mess

[citizen cane] - i think that situation in europe is calm and there are no serious threats to some war and concirning Entente in this pic we will try to make to free France and Germany since France isnt in Phoenix and concirning Ukraine-Russia i think compromise will follow cause hackers intervenue their fingers there.

me - what do you think about the relationship between italy and brazil ?

[junecaz] - I can not answer that, I'm not on top of international relations for a long time. I would have to consult Salgado or Yoshi for this.

[citizen cane] - I think it is fundamental that there is a strong connection between us and the states of South America, particularly Brazil, we must prevent that Poland put his hands on the iron mines, preventing the freedom of sovereign states.

me - what's your opion on " napoleon " ? do you think manage a state with him will be harder ?

[junecaz] - well, napoleon dont help anything, who is stronger yesterday, is more stronge today. Dont change anything, only make us more poor. And yes, less gold in economy, worse to state

[citizen cane] - About the new training system, I think that favors the rich countries, and unfortunately Italy, given its limited population and the lack of valuable resources, not one of them ... I think it will be tough for us being able to provide an elite the napoleon training every day.

me - thanks for the answers !

Fulvio Milocco - brazilian ambassador in Italy
if you anything just ask in pm or on the irc chat ( nick: FulvioM ) it will be a pleasure aswer to your questions

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