News from Capitol Hill

Day 1,089, 16:33 Published in USA USA by Myles Robinson
Report of the eUSA White House Chief of Staff (Prime Minister) to the Public

And by Capitol Hill I mean Disney World, Florida, as that is where our capital is. More on that below.
We are one week into the term of President Alexander Hamilton, who was elected on November 5th with no serious opposition to his presidency. Together with his vice president, Gulden Draak, President Hamilton has set getting the government established and continuing the active American push abroad.

Newspapers to Subscribe To
For all the latest government updates, political news, and defense announcements, subscribe to and regularly follow these papers:
The Pony Express-- A compilation of important and interesting articles to pay attention to.
The White House Briefing Room-- Run by the Department of Media, this regularly paper has frequent updates from the government.
Department of Defense Orders-- If you're a civilian wanting know where your fights are best spent, read here.

Education Today-- Useful information for new players by the Department of Education.
The Hamilton Papers-- The newspaper of President Hamilton.
The Paper Mache-- The newspaper of Vice President Draak.

Executive Branch Updates
The government has been busy getting things up and running. One of the coolest things the administration has done so far is release a new citizen message, employing linked graphics for the first time. This is thanks to collaboration between eHeathen, Vice President Draak, and Secretary of Defense Max Wallingbottom III. The President has since attempted to make several new messages to warn the country about a certain threat from the north, but Congress seems intent on keeping the public in the dark.

Media Secretary Kentel and Pony Express Director Athanaric have been busy trying to keep the public informed of what is happening in government, and also working to revitalize and maximize the effect of the Pony Express. Kentel, Athanaric, and the Department of Media staff have been doing an excellent job with all of their work and you can be sure to see good things continuing to come from that department.

Meanwhile, the Department of the Interior has been hard. Interior Secretary Justin McCravok has a new update out about the department and what it does. One of the many subsections of Interior is the Education Department, which has a new FAQ Article out for new players. If you're interested in working in the Executive Branch, sign up on this form for placement by Melissa Rose and the Department of Human Resources.

In the Department of Defense, Secretary Wallingbottom III worked with Congress to reform the Arm America program, naming Julian Mizu and Zyria as its leaders. More on that can be found in this article.

Foreign Relations and News
The Department of State, led by Secretary of State (MoFA) gagah, is currently working to revamp the Ambassador Program, which has been suffering for several months. More information on that will be forthcoming. In addition to revamping the ambassador program, the United States has also recently signed alliances with New Zealand, the Republic of Moldova, and Japan. New Zealand is renewing the free MPPs they received last month as they prepare to become active on the world stage, aligning with both Serbia and the United States in order to remain neutral; RoM is a renewal. Japan has impeached their Phoenix-supportive president and cleared the way to resume normal diplomatic relations with the Brolliance. Meanwhile, new trade embargoes have been placed on Turkey and Lithuania.

As far as American foreign policy goes, the push onto Indonesian home territory in Sumatra was stalled due to American forces meeting heavy resistance. President Hamilton wrote today about the issue, apologizing for America blowing its load too early to go all the way in Indonesia. Most eUS and allied forces have been busy fighting in for our good allies in Spain, who have been dealing with a massive invasion by Phoenix nations, and in Croatia, which is currently pushing into former world superpower Hungary. We are also dealing with several Resistance Wars meant to distract and split our forces; the United States is currently holding some regions in Asia with the permission of their natural governments for various strategic purposes. For an explanation of military events, tune in to the Stars and Stripes Journal for more.
Read the DoD Orders to find out where to fight.

Kommie Squirrel taking aim at Amurica's enemies...

Update: We did it anyways, because our stamina is just that awesome. Indonesia has lost its innocence once and for all. w00t.

Party President Elections
The big political happening this week is, of course, Party President elections. Party Presidents are among the most powerful and integral players in national politics, for they are the ones who are responsible for choosing who gets to be nominated for Congress and the Presidency. Usually, parties operate on forums and IRC channels off of the main eRepublik website; this is true of the Top Five parties-- the ones who have the power to officially place candidates. Due to national security threats such as foreign agents with American citizen seeking to gain political influence, rather than hold the elections strictly on this site, several primaries were held in their forum communities to choose the candidates, typically after a debate in the party's IRC channel. The official candidates for this election are:
United States Workers Party: Haliman
Federalist Party: Melissa Rose
United Independents Party: Athanaric
SEES: Nicholas Ryan
American Trade and Defense Party: Iasov

Feature Story: White House Plagued by Scandals
Due to the generous donations and great efforts made by the PEACE Global Community well over a year ago, the American capital was officially relocated from cold and dreary Washington DC to sunny Florida. Most presidents and their administrations have been able to deal with this and focus on their work. Unfortunately, Alexander "Kommie Squirrel" Hamilton has decide to let all the power go to his dirty kommunist head and spend your nonexistent money on vacations and wild parties. What you are about to see might disturb you...
President Hamilton (right) forcing people to go swimming with him in skimpy clothing:

Leaked Court Recorder's Page from an Internal Investigation on drug usage by VP Draak:

Mickey and Minnie wedding anniversary disturbed by Arm America testing by Congress and Walli:

And that, my countrymen, is just the tip of the iceberg. I promise to keep them all in check. But, seeing as I am just a shady elitist snob who has been secretly controlling parts of the government for close to a year now from my cushy bureaucratic seat, I'll probably be bought off with a bribe. Please, someone bribe me. I'm dirt poor and the admin keeps making it harder to be poor. Come on.

Anyways, it's been a good week one under President Hamilton.

~Myles Robinson~
Dear Cabinet, I'm Watching You