News Criticism

Day 551, 07:56 Published in Canada Canada by Ayeshan Dakseus
All the news I see fit to print
(This will be a semi-serious article)

Let's talk priorities, Canada.

As I was taking a glance over at some of the headlines people in the precinct were reading, I was intrigued by a few and decided to pick them up.
Let's start with this one.
It seems that this has become one of the most popular news articles in the space of a day. Ignoring the ignorance (ironic, yes) Stacy shows of spelling and grammar, (eSweeds? Really? I'm going to go talk to some eFinish and some eMexinacs), I immediately picked up on several holes in the article.
Frankly, I don't think Stacy has any idea what she is talking about. While I agree that we should not have been so hasty to rush to Germany's side, Sweden's attack on Germany was unwarranted in my opinion. In any case, it was free training for everyone involved, even if it results in the loss of Germany.
I have no idea how a grammarless, error-ridden paragraph like this gained 62 votes.

In contrast, this article is superbly written, also written yesterday, and has 37 votes.
Vincent Chaotic is a respectable eCanadian congressman and citizen. He is asking congressmen on behalf of a known respectable organization to donate to better eCanada.
The article uses grammar, proper terms, and is a decent proposition.

Please, citizens of eCanada, do your best to keep quality articles in the top five and poorly written ones OUT.

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