News Canada: Day 909

Day 909, 20:12 Published in Canada Canada by Ayeshan Dakseus
Canada, the tl;dr version

Canadian National Defense Orders
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Tidbit of the Day
Today's Comment Topic

Canadian National Defense Orders
Fight in Southern Great Plain
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I swear, this is getting like twenty times as many clicks as any advertisement I've ever run


1) The US Today: In 2 Minutes or Less
From Mr. Hyphenated (United States) [109 Votes];

Bleh, I'm getting annoyed at these things eating up our top five. I mean, I love the States as much as the next bro, but really, the US Today tops our news? Also, this is secon😛 eReupblik Today: In 2 Minutes Or Less.

2) VP Summary So Far: Transparency
From SaraDroz (Canada) [47 Votes];

Quite low on the list, but many of the others have already been covered or do not need to by. SaraDroz, current Vice President of Canada, writes about her first week on the job, and the trials, tribulations, and transsexuals that come with it. If you're interested in what the Executive is doing, take a look.

3) Maybe Jacobi has a point….
From Mawasha (Canada) [84 Votes];

Mawasha lays out the facts of Canadian oil, grain, and protectionism, then states his opinion on the matter. He says that we're too spread out and that we're too protectionist, in effect. Personally, I think that we will never be able to have a stable balance between the industries, and will eventually have to drop the barriers we have.

4) Croatian Ambassador to Canada
From irishboy1967 (Canada) [80 Votes];

Proof positive, boobs = votes.
Did I mention there's a new Croatian ambassador to Canada?

5) The Newest Module
From Ayeshan Dakseus (Hey, that's me!) (Canada) [71 Votes];

Ayeshan satirizes the admins' Insider articles with the introduction of the Module Module. Nice, but he forgot a semicolon in the PHP scr!pt. And nobody in the comments caught it. For shame.

The most controversial item in today's news is clearly the issue of Canada's raw materials. We have to come to a balance between patriotism and practicality, and right now we're failing to do that.

Tidbit of the Day

This is the first time I've ever had to critique my own article! Fun!

Today's Comment Topic

Canada's raw materials may be resurfacing as a hot-button issue. Where do you stand?