News Anouncment Monday 07.09!

Day 657, 12:47 Published in USA USA by Ksedin
eIndonesia thrown out of North America

Yes that's it! Finally eIndonesia is out of the Picture and we can concentrate on eHungry & eRussia.

30 States liberated

We already liberated 30 states. Idaho & Oklahoma were liberated today. South Dakota fight is still running and as of now the wall is at -259k and it seems like SD will be the 3rd state libirated today. The fight in Nebraska just started. But we will most probably start more fights today.

Czech Republic voting on MPP with USA tomorrow

Tomorrow Czech Republic president is going to propose voting for sining MPP for another Month. The law will most likely pass.

McFarland's Q5 Hospital Project

If you are willing to help and have 2+ Constructions skill sign up for a job at:

McFarland Hospital's

You can help this project by donating to McFarlands Constructions as well!

My news:

I've bought out a Food company in Florida. And i really think that each eUSA citizen should be able to afford food so i'll try to keep prices bellow 1 USD per lvl 1 food.


Tired of firing? Want stable work in USA? Join Texas Oil Fountain or Pizzburgh Restaurant!

More News still to come don't forget to Vote & Subscribe!