New Zealand Civil Defence Orders, UPDATE: Day 1060

Day 1,059, 09:05 Published in New Zealand USA by Kyle321n

This is an official announcement of the eNew Zealand Defence Force! All Civilian Volunteers are encouraged to rank up in these battles!
All Civilian Defence orders will be posted in this paper from now on. I ask you please subscribe to that paper immediately

Well New Zealand has MPPs now! That means we can fight in all those major battles!

While our country is still working on foreign relations with all the countries we've signed MPPs with I request that our military and civilians do not fight in the "real battles". If you would like to have a few training fights, please fight in a training battle between two friendly countries, Columbia and Venezuela. If you choose not to, that is fine with us, it is your choice to fight or not, we only request you don't fight in the other battles so that relations are not hurt with either side.

Pick a battle where the end of a mini-battle or round is about to end and fight there if it is at 45% or higher in our favor. Focus your damage near the ends of mini-battles and make sure to put it in the battle we're most likely to win. Fight smart! Do not fight if you are unable to recover your wellness with food.

1. Fight in Guayana, Columbia.

If you want to join the NZ army then sign up here:

Sign up for the New Zealand Army
Sign up for the New Zealand Special Air Service

Current Leadership:
Provisional Leader: Myles Robinson
Minister of Defence: Bradley Reala
Chief of the Defence Force: Kyle321n
Commanding Officer of the New Zealand Army: Othere Salvatore
Commanding Officer of the New Zealand SaS: kevin ker

Feel free to ask us any questions you may have about the NZDF! We hope to see you on the forums, IRC Channel, or in the military!

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