New War between eTurkey and eGreece

Day 878, 02:02 Published in Ireland Greece by Connolly James

One more time, right wing strategies in both countries, put the eworking classes and eeconomies of the 2 countries in doubt. The greek and turkish enationalists started a war in eIsrael again, for MPP reasons and will try to get the war in their original regions. The 2 coountries have a long history in the New World. Last year eT had eG occupied, and 2 months ago, eG had hlf eT regions.

I write this article to inform you. And to propose you to keep an eye to that 2 countries. Get examples of how bad enationalism is in the game. Both countries had economical problems with prises last months. And a long lasting war(cause RL history interfears at most) guarantees great deprecions for both. Watch LSP party in eGreece. It has a massive reputation, over 200 members, class strungge in its program, anti-war foreign policy, is up for eT/G friendship, and for a federal union in all balkans.