New update to the previous health recovery changes

Day 1,318, 05:00 Published in Australia USA by roland_up

Starting today, we have a new way of consuming food to recover your wellness. It is I'd say an improvement on a recent update.

Before the change, you have to first use up all the wellness limit before triggering the counter for the next food fight in 6 hours time before you can use food to recover your wellness again.

From now on, instead of that, the counter will be triggered by you using any amount of food to recover wellness. And no long do you have to wait 6 hours until the next button smashing session. Instead, you will receive 100 more recoverable health until you hit the maximum wellness limit supported by the town centre and health buildings you got.

So, theoretically, anyone, no matter what their Town Centre level is can have 2400 health recovery from food, those will low level town centre will have to log in more frequently though.

Using myself for example, let say I started at 100 wellness, and I have a 600 maximum recoverable wellness limit because of the Q5 Town Centre and the health building that I have.

Let say I used up all my 600 wellness I am allowed to recover during the 1st hour of my session. And I have only got 500 wellness to recover.

An hour later after I first started using my food, the system will give me 100 more wellness to recover, so now I have 100 wellness I can recover with food at this point.

If I let the system to accumulate the recoverable wellness I can use, after 5 more hours, once again, it will hit the max. recoverable health limit, and I would have 600 wellness to use.

Of course, once it hit the maximum limit, the game will not give me any more recoverable health, I have to either use it or lose it, which is the same with the old system anyway.

Each red square represents 100 recoverable wellness

I'd say it is an improvement because 6 hours period is a long wait, and it is very frustrating sometime to not be able to do anything during the countdown.

Of course, for every new thing the admin bring to the game, it often come with bugs, there are no difference this time. The counter that display the time you need to wait for the next 100 recoverable wellness is quiet buggy at the moment. The counter itself is working, but sometime it displays some gibberish such as the following. If you encounter it, just refresh the webpage and try again.

NOTE: Maximum recoverable wellness limit is depended on your Town Centre level and Health building you got on your land.

You can check out this link for more information: TOWN CENTRE