New Training War : Chile

Day 4,073, 11:59 Published in Egypt USA by Ministry of Press EG

Hello my fellow Egyptians !

As promised , we would like to inform you about our first new Training War with Chile.

The plan was to publish the article when the NE law was over but Chile succeed to make the attack sooner as we had predicted.

That's why as this article is writing, Chile is already here and our tw will take place on the left side of the map.

The regions are Western Dessert - Lower Egypt and Sinai.

Our agreement includes also a weekly tax refund in our treasury and military help if a third party tries to interfere with our training war.

Also , just in case, Chile wins the Direct Battles and Egypt the Resistance Wars.

The Egyptian Cabinet

Hail Egypt !!!
Hail Chile !!!

[This article has been edited because of a change of the regions of our training war]


For some old and new players who see us as occupiers we would like to tell you 1 thing.

Only the current cabibet has more than 1 Trillion True Patriot Damage.

We have spent time, resources and money to make this country Great and Respected from everybody and we have succeeded.

We respect everybody's opinion but respectfully also writing:

Do not provoke us.