New Times, New Forum

Day 1,133, 17:51 Published in South Korea South Korea by Sirius Padfoot Black

In response to the lack of communication, discussion, and organization, Khorne and I were tasked with the building of the new forum. This forum is something that we both feel very strongly about, which is why it was hard but necissary to start fresh on a new forum.

The old English forum is dead, and would need many repairs, which getting the authorization for would be difficult. And the new forum made by Grease, is very confusing for English-speakers.

That is why a new forum has been made. With complete control over the site, Khorne and I will work very hard at making the forum friendly to all of our communities. We also will respond to any constructive crtisism made in the suggestion area, to make sure the forum is in top shape at all times.

I recomend that everyone joins the forum, especially congresspersons. The forum is a place to talk to your administration, make suggestions, and just socialize with your community. Most importantly, it has an arcade!

So come on down to the forum and get signed up ASAP!

The forum is located at