New Taxes...A Good Thing?!

Day 343, 14:56 Published in USA USA by NeilP99

I'm sure that many of you find my headline shocking, but it's true! In a brilliant move the Congress has passed measures in the past few days to increase the taxes on imported raw materials. I for one would like to applaud this move. By taxing materials being bought overseas that can easily be made here in eAmerica the Congress is acting to protect eAmerican jobs and companies. With an unknown future for the economy in V1 I think that it is critical that the government takes steps to ensure the strength of the eAmerican economy. It remains to be seen whether the current economic boom that has resulted in higher wages and a marketplace flooded with affordable goods will continue as we all settle into V1. By taking steps like these, members of Congress are ensuring that whatever happens to the economy in the future will not have drastic negitive effects on eAmerican companies. The actions may seem small now, but if the economy takes a turn for the worse we will all be thanking the Congress for these actions. The Congress of eAmerica has done a great job of putting eAmericans first by passing these import tax increases.