New Regional Council!

Day 635, 14:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South West Regional Council

Hello to all you lovely South Westerners.

As the new Council Chairman, it gives me great pleasure to announce our new Regional Councillors!

Council Chairman - Alex Shallcross
Councillor of Finance - craig rossiter
Councillor of Media - Lord Weiis
Councillor of Transport - bowen199
Councillor of Entertainment - Sir Terry the Great
Councillor(s) of Health - Lord Weiis and Alex Shallcross

We are hoping to revive the once great SWRC and push it to new heights. It has seemed to died over the past month for no reason, but our new councillors are committed individuals who are up to the job. As ever, keep an eye on the forums. We are looking to make it more active over the next few weeks, so if you are reading this, post in the forums! If you have an idea to improve the region, a question about the game or forums, or even if you just want to say hi, we welcome your comments. As always, enjoy the wondrous game that is eRepublik and have fun! We look forward to hearing from you.

Alex Shallcross
Council Chairman