New "Bro-Centric" Language to Be Implemented by the eUSA, eCanada

Day 715, 14:48 Published in USA USA by Hari Michaelson

Brote and Broscribe fgts.

That is all.

-Hari Michaelson

New Language Described As "Totes Brahwsome" By Leading Brosearchers

Gaius Julius and William Duncan, Presidents of the eUSA and eCanada respectively, today unveiled a new "Bro-Centric" language to be implemented throughout the whole of The Brolliance. "It's pretty much Broriffic" said eMerican President Gaius Julius "This new Bro-speak will further seal the bonds of Brodom between our two Brotastic Bro-Nations"

"I call upon all Canadian and eMerican citizens to embrace this new symbol of Bro-hood" added eCanada's William Duncan, right before requesting that Gaius Julius check out his "Brahwsome popped collar".

The two nations' leaders proceeded to officially approve the creation of the new language with the new official seal of both nations, the "Bro-force".


Already, news outlets and intellectuals across the Brolliance are enthusiasticly adopting the new and "broustanding" langugage.

"Check it Bro, this new Bro-speak has brousands of possible implementations in the New World" said James Welcheck, a noted Brofessor of Bro-ology .

"This new Bro-speak will totes confuse the Inbroneasions, Brahngarians, and Brossians (who are totes not Broriffic)." commented leading Brahrmy Brofficer Jameson L. Tai. He then added "You bros want to brotake in some beer pong?"
The Broraker: Now with 84% more Bro!