New Players Read This (V1.1)

Day 612, 15:22 Published in Canada Canada by Booleus

These type of things need to be posted as often as possible to keep new citizens progressing and interested in the game. A very slow start can cause citizens to become bored.

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Brand new Canadians will want to find work at a Q1 company. This is really the first step. Make sure that you have 1 Q1 food in your inventory at the start of each day so you do not lose health (buy this in the marketplace screen). Not only does it help your health, it gives you 1 experience per day. If you are finding that your health is getting too low, see Canadian Health Services, PM me, and I will try and point you in the right direction to fix it.

Also make sure to train every day. See this article by Calvin Hobbes

Invite, Invite, Invite. The best way to strengthen Canada is to invite ALL of your friends. If you do it through the invite link, not only do you get gold, but you help us all

In eRepublik, hospitals are available to those who fight in battles with their countries. Info here. Battle and hospitals will be inaccessible to all new players until they reach lvl 5. Please also note, that not all regions in Canada have sufficient hospitals, but it is possible to relocate to a region with one. At lvl 5 you should purchase weapons to fight with (you will move up ranks alot quicker than fighting with bare hands). Once you are done fighting, click on the link that says "Return to Battlefield" There you will see a link to the hospital.
If you click on this link, you will see another option on the next screen to heal.

You will learn eventually how to estimate how many times you can fight, based on how much your local hospital will heal you. (see table).

Once you get used to the battlefield, it might be time to join the Army ( Read the Article )

When it comes time to vote (lvl 6), please inform yourself about the candidate a bit. There are people who would like nothing better than to get power in Canada to hand it over to our enemies.

New users, please do not get discouraged. It starts out boring for the first day or so, then you will get hooked. eCanada needs you. There are so many other aspects of the game not covered in this article (politics, press, etc etc). Send me a PM with any questions any time. If I dont know the answer, I will find you someone who does.

Remember the 5 musts of every player above level 5, eat, train, work, fight,heal

Thanks to uaac and calvin hobbes for their input so far. This article will now be published daily. Please vote it up whenever you see it.

Booleus (DAL Candidate for N😎
Congressional Presentation