New Players: Join the Movement for Democratic Unity!

Day 374, 03:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Professor Evil

The December Election is (gradually) coming around the corner, and many of the main parties are looking for support in vote and membership form. I'm speaking to you, the new player, who's just passed level 7 (perhaps not a new player, but newer) and is looking for someone to support.

First, obviously, I'll show you our manifesto that we are revamping for the election:

But I want to personally appeal to recent players why the MDU is the best party for them, so here's three good reasons for joining:

1. We're small, but influential. There's a strong temptation for any new player to join, say, the UKRP, the most powerful. However, the problem is, if you want to become a Congressman or ascend to any position of power, you'll be vying with three hundred other party members for that position. It's only fair to repeat the UKRP's truthful line that many of those are inactive, but it's still such a large party the layers between you and the higher echelons will be huge. Of course, the other extreme is a tiny party where you'll have the party president's ear and will have huge say in policy. The problem here is that these tiny parties are insignificant and will never have a seat on Congress. With the MDU, you have a happy medium far from either extreme. Compared to the UKRP and the PCP we are a relatively small party, but we're most definately on the up. Our President, CV James, plans to make a move on Congress and we plan to propel our party to the top. Now, however, we're doing so with increased membership, so you joining the party will be extremely well recieved.

2. We're welcoming. Upon my joining, I was personally messaged by both the Party President and one of the highest ranking members, wishing me a warm welcome and explaining what I could do within the party. We have an active, friendly Party Board ( who will not hesistate to tell you anything you need to know.

3. There's opportunities abound. As a party that's constantly growing, we need committed people for advanced positions. What other parties, for example in my own case, would give a new member the chance to be Foreign Affairs Spokesperson? You'll have to prove yourself within the position of course, which is why it's best to choose something you know or can learn about. Currently, we have an opening for Health and Education Spokesperson, with others becoming available soon.

If you're interested, just post your name and MDU on this forum: and we'll be glad to recieve you!