New Newspaper

Day 554, 13:19 Published in Greece Pakistan by Katharos45

This is my new newspaper, the trireme post.It is a war newspaper, focusing on important wars and political events(but that doesnt mean I wont have some humour along the way).If anyone has interesting news or feedback please send a message, it would be greatly appreciated.Now here is some news for you.

South Africa

Yesterday, South Africa was TO'd by Brazil and their president was impeached. Then Indonesia attacked. The new puppet president retreated from all battles except the last one, which they lost anyway, wiping South Africa off the map.

The TO in Spain was unsuccessfull after many former ATLANTIS countries sent citizens there to save the last friendly high iron-region.Greece sent 36 citizens to stop the TO thanks to the support of Haralambos.The Spanish goverment thanked everyone that helped stop the TO.

North Korea
Narrowly escaping the Hungarian TO, North Korea managed to escape the TO, with a few votes more.Congratulations and good luck in the future!

Yesterday, Hungary attacked the Croation region of Vojvodina , but after military support from many nations, Hungary lost. In addition, Romania won in Bukavonia, successfully retaking a region from Hungary.Only time will tell what happens next...

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That is today's article. Thanks for reading!