NEW NEW NEWS - 1st edition

Day 194, 14:50 Published in Japan Switzerland by Antonio Fonti


NOTE: This is just an article and is simply to get people to join the forum and be more active.

I seem to have noticed that the Japeneese is less then active as it possibly could be, there seem to be an extreme sense that most people come on and click 2 or 3 buttons, with most articles being written by the few and the forum often being bare, or discussions being held by those few.

So i would personally recommended that as many people as possible sign up to the [a url=]forum[/a], as i know from personal experiencefrom Canada and Switzerland that, that is where the true joy of the game lies. Without active citizens, that give ideas on how to improve the country and important decision rest not with the citizens as it should be, but with the few authority figures at the top.

We currently have 200+ citizens, but it seems to be run by only a handful when it should be ran by the masses, sojoin up today and get more active in a nation that needs you.


In other news, the war against Poland is sure to end soon as Germany has overrun the few allied forces left. it is truely a sad day for the smaller nations, as they are ultimately defeated by the strong and their oppressors.

I personally went to fight for what freedom they had left and ultimately it was squashed, the same is surely to happen again with the czech republic in the next few days, as Hungary looks set for an easy victory against their much weaker opponent.

Political Battle in Japan

As the day struggles on, these are the current polls as of 14:32 in Japan:

Candidates Votes
Origineel.NL 24
King Waseem 13
diaseguinte 6

Congress Votes
The Bushido Party 22
National Party of Japan 13
United Lolies of Japan 5

At this point in time it seems like a landslide victory for Origineel.NL and his Busido Party, but only time will tell.

-Antonio Fonti-