New Knesset New Oppourtunities *EDIT*

Day 1,071, 07:46 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

I would like to congratulate all the parties and the new KMs on their victories. Now that we have a new KM we can truly begin a fresh start here in eIsrael.

Most KMs on the forum who are still KMs have retained their Status. We added some new KMs to the proper groups but not everyone is signed up. If you are a KM please sign up to the forums ASAP:

Now there is already nominations starting for a new Sok. Please all KMs go there and begin nominations so we can then begin the process of voting and electing a new SoK to help bring the Knesset back to life. Once thats done we can finally set up Knesset Committees again and truly get to work.

I hope you all donate your earnings to the treasury as per Knesset Rules and Regulations. We hope you stay active discuss before proposing or voting/.

Donate gold here:

Well thats it for my quick announcement. I ahve to go take a poop.

Am Yisreal Chai
