NEW JOBS, Guldenweege GunsQ1 is re-opening

Day 566, 06:45 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Jacob van den Guldenweege

Fellow Dutchman

Due to the maniak prices for Q1 weapons in our beloved counrty, with prices of 17NLG per weapon that can easely be lowered to 15 NLG including tax.
I have decieded to re-open Guldenweege GunsQ1.

We offer our excelent wages of 5.5*skill once more!
Only 1 rule : maintain 90+ wellness at all times!
If you drop, so will your income:
80 wellness 5.0*skill
70 wellness 4.5*skill
60 wellness 4.0*skill
50 wellness 3.5*skill
Under 50 wellness : FIRED
Noticed that as long as you maintain high wellness you will be paid top wage?

To do so Guldenweege GunsQ1 offers cheap compagny food to its own employers
48 NLG for 5 units of Q4 food
18 NLG for 5 units of Q2 food
Also it is possible to buy cheap compagny guns once were fully employed.

If you are interested go to :
and take one of the 5NLG jobs I have made available.
I will raise your wage after your in to match your current wellness and skill level.

See you soon at Guldenweege Guns!

Jacob van den Guldenweege