New Faction Arises! The Disciples Dream of Destiny!

Day 971, 11:01 Published in Finland Finland by Erwin Schauman

Finland. A tiny, poor, resourceless nation in the forsaken part of the world, risen from the ashes of the Norwegian Empire in times immemorial. Home to the proud, resourceful and the brave. A haven. Our homeland.

These lands, once teeming with life and laughter of children, are now covered with people lulled into sleep with endless rhetoric and gray politics. We fill our virtual existence with squabbles and political infighting, creating chaos and causing our country to crumble and erode.

A sentence undeserved and yet still imposed...

”The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.”
- Confucius

I ask you now, my friends, what is Finland? Is it the area defined by the virtual borders on the map? Is it the incessant political bureaucracy in the depths of the forums? Is it a blue and white flag on your profile page?

No. Finland is you! Finland is all of us! The Finnish community!

If Finland is conquered, do we lose it? No, it lives on in us! As long as we survive Finland never ceases to exist! It's a mere figment of imagination that we give power to. It is us that give it its value. By itself this imaginary country on the map called eFinland is worth nothing.

Then what is Finland, created from pixels and strings of code, more than a base of operations to us, the Finnish community, and one that holds a price we ourselves determine?

Men of Kvenland, Ostrobothnia, Karelia, Tavastia, Savonia, Lapland and Uusimaa! You're prisoners, all of you. Not ones locked away by the society due to crimes intolerated, but caged by your own mind. A dark, windowless residence of despair and stagnation.

You spend your days clicking buttons, waiting for something to happen that you cannot even name. Something that gives meaning to all the effort you've put in the game for the past years. Something you've yearned ever since you set your foot in this world. A reason to exist.

I will give name to that something. That something is ”Purpose”.

”When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
- Henry Ward Beecher

Brothers! It is time to wake up from this nightmare! Let us break free from the servitude of the shackles that bind our minds. Let us transcend our existence to something new and glorious. Let us end the rivalry, unite under a common purpose, and block out the incessant chorus of those who say ”It cannot be done”!

Together we will carve our own path in this world. We will be remembered by the coming generations either as the embodiment of ruthless evil, or as the shining beacon of light. But we will be remembered!

"A man does not have himself killed for a half-pence a day or for a petty distinction. You must speak to the soul in order to electrify him"
- Napoleon Bonaparte

Countries can be rebuild. Wealth re-accumulated. Wellness recovered. Guns re-manufactured. As long as we stand together we will never pass into the night! With will of steel we will reshape this world.

We shall abandon such obsolete concepts as morality and fairness. We will discard loyalty to all factions that don't directly serve our interests. We will wage war. We will conquer. We will use dirty tricks to destabilize our enemies. We will takeover and enslave nations. We will spy. We will troll our enemies. And during all this, we will have FUN!

If we are truly living in the End Times of eRepublik, then what do we have to worry about? Everything is already lost. What else is there left for us to do than go out with a bang?

Gentlemen. I now pose you with a question: will you spend the last of your eDays chained to your virtual bed, waiting for the Day of Redemption to come, or will you join in creating history?

Bring your infinite energy, experience and devotion and join The Disciples! Together we will preach our message to the masses and embrace the One True Path!

Unity through purpose!
Purpose through unity!

-Motto of The Disciples

-Erwin Schauman

(Suomennan jossain vaiheessa kunhan jaksan)