new eNations and changes that need to be made

Day 484, 12:00 Published in USA USA by Relorian

So i just read the announcement that 3 new countries will be added. Thats 3 new governments to be taken over and looted and then left for dead. We've all seen it happen before, Even as a new player, Ive seen it happen.

So what needs to be done to prevent underhanded players (Whom i personally consider cheaters if they have to steal gold) from taking over the new countries, stealing the gold then leaving?

A limit needs to be placed on what can be done with a new country and/or how much gold can be transfered with in its first few months.

Election changes need to be made to ensure that Take Over/Thieft governments cant be used any longer. The suggestions I have are the following.

1. Minimum Residency requirements: Lets say 2 weeks or a month to ensure that the people who want to run are actually members of the country or would be long term residents, not just Iranian mafia or other underhanded merc groups who want to gain fast gold by screwing over new countries.

2. Elections Changes: Suggestions here include making sure that only residents that meet the minimum requirements can vote in their countries. This would prevent fly in voting, which can recently be documented in eSingapore where the Iranians made sure to fly in 40+ votes in attempts to steal the countries resources. Thankfully they were defeated.

3. Election Monitoring: Suggestion here is having the Admins watch the new countries elections and elected officials to ensure that no Take Over government robberies happen. If they do happen the admins can take corrective steps (I.E Returning the gold, Banning the underhanded user) to ensure it doesnt happen.

Obviously these are just my opinions and ideas but I feel they would be good changes to the game that would promote more people playing their actual countries with out fear that when they are introduced into the game they will be pillaged and made unpractical to settle/work/live in.
