New eIsraeli Census and Other news

Day 1,053, 08:32 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Hello eIsraeli this is your President Speaking.

I would like to announce we have finished the eIsraeli official Census form. I ask all citizens to fill it out ASAP. We need this form filled out so my government can get a better understanding of the population of eIsrael in order to govern it effectively. It has been translated into both English and hebrew thanks to the efforts of Yuvy and Ido. As soon as we feel most of the active population has filled it out we will release the results with our commentary for all you to view.

The eIsraeli Cenus form can be found at the following link:

In other news we have signed the MPP with Poland thanks to the efforts of Aeroner and Zaib Atsu. We plan to sign a few more MPPs to provide eIsrael with some sense of security and provide us with training wars to participate in. We need these now especially due to the recent conflicts in the region. Me and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Perfect Knight are in negotiations with several countries to work out deals for future MPPs. More information on this should be coming shortly.

Back on the domestic front I tried to propose a new citizen Message yesterday but eRepublik went whack on me and I wasnt able to introduce the right/up to date version of the New Citizen message we have come up with.

Since we need to translate it into two languages we are very limited on space because there is a character limit. We decided to scrap the little tutorial we had placed in there because it is useless. There is a tutorial for new players when they begin the game by the time they will read the new citizen message they will have already completed it.

We decided not to focus too much on game mechanics because most of the information placed would most likely became irrelevant shortly due to all the game changes taking place recently.

We Instead neeed to focus on making it short and too the point so here is the result:


Hello New Citizen of eIsrael.

Please Join our national forums at:

Once there you have opportunities to take part in government, meet new people, and learn the game. By joining the forum you really will become part of the community.

Another thing you should consider as a new citizen of eIsrael is joining our national military the eIDF (eIsrael Defense Forces) you will learn how to fight and defend this nation from external threats.

To join fill out this form:

Am Yisrael Chai!!


We have a pending translation for this and it will be proposed shortly. Hopefully all KMs will vote in favor of this so we can have an up to date New Citizen Message and begin to move on to more pressing matters. All KMs are free to discuss and share there thoughts on the new citizen message on the forums.

Now speaking of the new forums after only 3 days being online we have almost 30 members 50 Topics and 150 posts as well as several embassies opened up. Compare this to the other forums and you will notice how fast things are moving a long.

Again to restate my governments official position on the matter these forums are a NECESSITY. For too long eIsrael has lacked a proper forum to conduct itself.

The old forums where buggy. Impossible to read any text, Permissions screwed up, All the main administrators are no longer active, you needed to download a new browser just to use it and then you had to change your settings every 5 minutes.

eIsrael deserves better then that. I have provided us with a clean well organized Bilingual friendly forum that everyone should use no excuses. No one likes moving around like this but its better then having nothing at all. The Knesset has been inactive for over a month I will be happy for the Knesset to put this to vote as soon as they get active and discuss it. (These new forums provide them with a place to discuss it)

I plan once the forums are fully established to put in place a non political un bias person with forum knowledge as the main administrator. He or she will manage the forum without having to get politics involved. This is something we need in order to finally create a long standing stable forum community. It will in turn unite our country aswell.

So Please if you havent yet sign up:

We have also opened up both a Presidential internship program and an Ambassador program to provide players with an opportunity to get involved in government. Details regarding these programs are available on the forums.

Besides that we have started a project to help updated and develop eIsraeli wiki articles on the eRepublik Wiki.

I hope everyone in eIsrael is happy with my work so far Im trying my best and will keep everyone informed regularly. We have more news to come especially in relation to the economy and foreign affairs now that most of the domestic stuff is/will be out of the way.

Am Yisrael Chai

Gavin - President of eIsrael