New CP and reflections about the Swiss community and your people

Day 5,343, 15:21 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Terry Benedictt

Dear Swiss citizens,

From SPP we want to take advantage of the occasion to congratulate the recently elected president of the country: pep_369.

Our support for him is unconditional and we are very proud of his dedication and commitment that led him to deservedly obtain this position that we are sure he will perform in an excellent way.

We want to thank the entire political cabinet that, as always, is represented by players from the main parties and mention that many new people are getting involved in switzerland and the more experienced ones collaborate positively.... we really like this unity and participatory in switzerland! We are proud to belong here and share the game with all of you, let's continue to grow! 💪

We are convinced that the union of Swiss citizens and working together is essential and allowed the sustained growth of our country. The people of our community are involved in a large part, from political participation, military, coordination, counselors, ambassadors in other countries, that is, many people who from different areas and often without being publicly recognized work selflessly for the well-being of our community. , which allows all Swiss to grow in a friendly and collaborative environment.
For this and other reasons, at SPP we continue to emphasize the importance of new people getting involved in the community in the position they want. The important thing is the commitment and feeling of belonging of this people that will allow Switzerland to continue growing.

all the parties are working together for the most part and there are no differences because of this, which is very valuable and remarkable. political positions alternate between different parties and older and newer players. which shows that in switzerland democratic participation is of great unity. it is good and important that this can continue to be sustained as the number of Swiss citizens increases. This is our desire to continue to be a great family for all Swiss citizens in our beautiful community where joint work, respect and coexistence are our pillars.

Swiss here, Swiss there, Swiss everywhere