New Congress for a New Age - A Double Interview

Day 465, 17:55 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn

RoyMunson and Gofarman are two True Boomers who have made a name for themselves and been elected for the PPC and the CEP, respectively. Gofarman received a convincing 12 votes in Alberta while RoyMunson tallied 9 in Saskatchewan(more than all votes combined for any candidate in Saskatchewan since v1 began). The following is an attempt to gauge their reactions and their priorities for congress, as well as their thoughts on the newly minted CFC.

Boomer Bugle: First off, thanks for taking the time to talk to me. As true Boomers you’re both approaching the 1 month eRepublik age, yet you were both comfortably elected in the first congressional election in which you were eligible. How did you manage to gain an advantage against the older and more seasoned candidates?

RoyMunson: Coming into this game I felt overwhelmed, as many new players often feel. I didn't know if it was even possible to be a member of Congress with so many veteran eCanadian politicians. I did notice that the two congressmen from Saskatchewan had won their previous elections with 1 vote each, and were absent from any form of social contact in eCanada. It was imperative that I run in Saskatchewan for the citizens of Saskatchewan. They deserve active representation from a party that cares about their issues. I am both honoured and humbled by my first election experience and want to pass on my sincere appreciation to those citizens that support me.

Gofarman: Well, I took an unorthodox approach. I looked at how many eligible Albertan voters there were and took it upon myself to write each one with a personal message. This got a surprising response; I would recommend this strategy to any congressional hopeful. I found it much more effective than the presentation that eRep focuses upon.

Boomer Bugle: Roy, was the CFC coalition predestined going into the election, or is it a fairly recent endeavor? Who spearheaded the initiative and what do the parties hope to achieve through cooperation that they wouldn’t be able to do separately?

RoyMunson: The Coalition for Change was born out of the two parties’ success in the congressional election. Afterwards, leadership of both parties took part in discussions ranging from policy platforms, leadership, and the state of eCanadian democracy. During these discussions, it was found that both parties shared more similarities than differences. As I am only a freshman congressman, I can only comment on the discussions I was part of. Upon completion of an agreement to create the Coalition, I was privy to the details. I fully support the CFC and look forward to being part of a new era in eCanadian politics. Change not for the sake of political gains, but change for the sake of the betterment of eCanada.

Boomer Bugle: Gofar, in your opinion what role did the Boomer vote play in this past election?

Gofarman: The Boomer vote played a HUGE role in this latest election. I know of several seasoned congressmen that failed to recognize the power of the new people and expected their seat for the regular 2 or 3 votes, some of them paid dearly because of their lack of foresight. I believe that as the new generation ages the politics in eCanada will change for the better, as more quality candidates come forward. I would like to plug one in specific, Josh Taggart, his vision and knowledge will be a great asset to this country and I am very glad for his arrival.

Boomer Bugle: If you had to pick one priority to focus on in your first term as a congressman, what would it be?

RoyMunson: If I could pick one priority, which is difficult to do, it would be the creation of eCanada's first Q5 hospital. I realize that it will take upwards of 370 gold, but the benefits would greatly outnumber the costs. Not only would we have the best medical facilities available to our Canadian Armed Forces, but all citizens would be benefit. Showing our allies in ATLANTIS that we have a strong commitment to national security can only increase our standing within the international community.

Gofarman: I would have to agree with Roy on this target, a Q5 hospital will raise the ability of our Forces to fight from home, and during any domestic conflict increase our ability to defend ourselves. Q5 FTW.

Boomer Bugle: Thanks for talking to me guys. I have one last question for you. Po, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, or Tinky-Winky?

Gofarman: uhhh Laa-Laa she sounds like my kindred spirit.

RoyMunson: I choose Tinky-Winky. I can recall a period in the late-nineties when he was involved in quite the controversy. People were accusing him of being a homosexual. I believe that he should be able to come-out in all his soft-purple glory. eCanada is a liberal-multicultural country, and that diversity is the fabric of our society!

Thanks to Gofarman and the CEP, and RoyMunson and the PPC for their cooperation.

Thanks for reading!