New Congress Budget, Some trading things and New Welcome Message

Day 1,043, 02:07 Published in USA United Arab Emirates by Jacobaus

Priory of Sion

New Congressional office Budget:
The law proposal, proposed by Julian Mizu, yesterday, was to donate 566 PKR from the country accounts to the Congressional Office account. 42 congressmen said yes to the proposal and 0 said no... Well this a very stupid result... Not stupid in the meaning of stupid like retarted but in the meaning of the congressmen didn't even had to vote! You can very much understand when a law proposal of trasfering money to the congress's account, all the congressmen will vote yes!

USA stoprred trading with South Korea:
The law proposal, proposed by our president St Krems, also yesterday, was to stop trading with South Korea. 38 congressmen said yes and 4 said no. The thing was really a nice thing, the trading was supposed to stop today, instead our president thought wisely so cancle the trade and start a new one with South Korea for another 30 days. You see, if you do it smart, don't do it.

New Welcome Message:
Our president, St Krems, proposed 7 hours ago to change the welcome message for new citizens of eUSA. This is the proposed welcome message:
' Let me tell you what Like a Virgin's about. It's all about a girl who digs a guy with a big dick. The entire song . . . it's a metaphor for big dicks...Like a Virgin's not about some sensitive girl who meets a nice fella. That's what True Blue's about. Now, granted, no argument about that...Let me tell you what Like a Virgin's about. It's all about this cooze who's a regular f--k machine. I'm talking morning, day, night, afternoon . . . dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick... Then one day she meets this John Holmes motherf--ker, and it's like, whoa baby. I mean, this cat is like Charles Bronson in The Great . He's digging tunnels. She's getting this serious dick action and she's feelin' something she ain't felt since forever . . . Pain. Pain...It hurts. It hurts her. It shouldn't hurt her. You know, her pussy should be Bubble Yum by now, but when this cat f--ks her, it hurts. It hurts just like it did the first time. You see, the pain is reminding a f--k machine what it was once like to be a virgin. Hence . . . Like a Virgin. '

I'm so not agreeing to this, you see, if we wnt people to come in we need to show them the pure and lovley USA! Why the hell did he thought of using such words?! He thought eRepublik will approve it?! Its full with courses and... Dick?! What the hell? You really think that kind of mind can run a county as great as USA or eUSA?! Never the less most of the congressmen right now are against this utterly retarted welcome messege, 28 said no (They must be Saints) and 11 said yes, what the bloody hell?! Where did we came in America?!


Priory of Sion