New CBO policy?

Day 811, 11:40 Published in USA USA by TaKunCat

Fun fact,, I was in the Emerick administration. I was appointed to the position of joint chiefs of the Federal Reserve which means there were more than one of us,, and we, it seems, had an advisory roll. I am sure there were some actual duties, if I had taken them on, and checked in more but that was the limit of my roll. The President is not in charge of everything so neither was I. At that time there were circumstances that got in the way of CBO being the major influencer of the price of currency in gold. At that time we had lost many territories like California and continued to loose more. It was during Emerick’s term that eUSA was down to just the state of Florida. Businesses and population are a major factor in the demand for a currency. The person in charge at that time of CBO was One eye. It was very easy to look from the outside and second guess the technical aspects of how he executed his job. But it was also very easy to imagine that raising a bit more money could allow for strategy that could save or gain states and tax money that were going to foreign countries even if there were no particular plans to do so. It was also easy to remember the awe inspiring job he had done before the occupation and sort change.

In the mean time I focused on trading and competing with the person running 3 traders on the monetary market. (TrangeFrange DuploGolo and Nothing again) I tested him at what I call now “Monetary market competency level 2”. At the time I was only level 1 and probably one of less than 20 at that time. That means he had the complete capability to shut me,, and about anyone,, out of the first 3 spots on the monetary market indefinitely. This means that his ability to trade was limited by his ability to sell gold only and not really his ability to raise gold. Because few to no people could compete with him he was able to span 5 even 7% gaps of the market. I believe there was perhaps more buying pressure at that time because of the ratio of people who relied on specialized traders.

If I am correct I am a bit closer to the policy execution this time and I believe there is a change in policy that will effect everyone who changes USD for Gold or visa-versa. And I believe it will greatly effect the amount of gold that leaves the country through arbitrage. If you are a Monetary market trader You will either come to view USD as an easy no brainier where you can easily trade without any fear of loosing money or you may choose to actively play other markets. The thing that is new is that CBO, I believe, is adopting a sell Last policy that passively allows people to buy and allows traders even new traders to sell first, perhaps same day,, even without preparation. Instead of trying to sell first at the peg, CBO is going to update the peg offer and get behind other sellers selling at the peg price,, and also sell first above the peg in an attempt to curb speculators who attempt to disrupt. Generally it should be reasonably easy.
What you may not remember and may not know about yourself. History shows that pegs can produce insignificant gaps (One eye history). Before the change in the Monetary market sort Gold sold for prices like 50.06 USD when USD sold for 0.02. 50.06 * 0.02 = 1.0012. That is a .12% gap that leaks money when the norm is more like 1.5%. At that price I don’t even bother to post offers. Posters turn into buyers,, and lazy sellers get a small profit from a larger volume on a riskless investment. Also as CBO makes this transition CBO takes in less money in the short term just like when they increase the gold price of a currency but you react differently. Instead of selling gold for currency to make money on the change the velocity of USD changes. It becomes an on demand currency and you hoard less. This will change your ability to invest slightly and decrease CBO’s short term revenues a lot. My feel for it says that a transition to this policy will be approximately as costly as the transition to 0.03 from 0.028 would be, but we will save the country about 25-40 gold a day that flows out of the markets during what have become normal conditions. It will free up some of our experienced monetary market traders to focus on more profitable markets of a similar amount. This affects you a lot even if you don’t understand it.

You should totally donate me money to make up for the fact that I have one less market that I can trade in. You should definitely support your local neighborhood prophet after you see this thing happen. I didn’t sell you out like Balaam. Feel free to vote, and don’t comment that you don’t understand without asking a question.