New Beginnings in New Zealand

Day 1,052, 14:06 Published in New Zealand USA by Pragmat

Welcome to the Free Islands Press, formerly the Aegis, formerly Middle of the Road. My name is Daniel Dodge, let's get started.

New Nations, New Opportunities, New Zealand

Though delayed a day, today marked the beginning of six new nations in the new world. The admins released a celebratory article: detailing the status of these lands for the first 45 days as well as information about the new alliance system, the migration of military skills and the future hospital system.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new brother nations: Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro, Republic of China(Taiwan), Cyprus and Belarus! Congratulations on statehood and I hope that your opening months are blessed with success.

To my fellow New Zealanders reading this, I look forward to working with all of you. No matter where we came from, we are now all Kiwis and it is important that we set aside that which may have divided us previously and focus on the ties that bind us together as a unified nation.

News to Know

Believe it or not, New Zealand is already pretty well structured. Thanks to a very active pre-launch forum community, we were able to lay down some foundational elements that are going to pay off in the long run.

Myles Robinson, a pretty cool guy if I may be so bold, was chosen as our Provisional Leader until elections can take place, check out this article: to see what he has to sure to vote and sub as well if you haven't already.

We already have a Ministry of Finance that has been working around the clock to come up with the policies and practices that they feel will be the most beneficial for the country as a whole. In his latest article: Necros Xiaoban details what you should be doing if you are looking to invest in our new homeland.

Finally, if you are interested in joining the New Zealand Armed Forces, the incomparable Kyle321n has got the information you nee😛

In the upcoming days and weeks I hope to continue providing New Zealand with the news it needs. Until next time, thank you and God speed.

Daniel Dodge