New beginings...

Day 1,401, 08:17 Published in USA USA by Scott1
Publius Scottus
Vol. 1/No. 1
Day 1401

It is time for a change of name and format for my paper. I am now a fairly active Federalist, serving on our recruitment and mentoring group, and I’ve joined Easy Company. Not exactly “Two-Clicker” style behavior, so it seemed like a good time to drop the name and the corresponding view of eRepublik. On to new things….

I’d like to address those of you who are new to eRepublik in particular. As a new player, you are probably feeling a bit overwhelmed by this strange new world. There are seemingly endless resources available to give you guidance – dozens of groups to join – dozens of forums to join. With some people, however, once they get their bearings in the eUSA a kind of “funk” sets in…. they soon discover that what was once exiting and challenging has become little more than 10 minutes of clicking before logging off. Many people lose interest and just log on a few times a week or move on to games with more “action” and instant gratification. I’d like to pass along my hope that you will stick around and come to love it here as so many of us do. How? Well, the key (in my opinion) to becoming a eRep addict (and this is more accurate than you may think!) is knowing what the game is and what it isn’t.

First and foremost to understand is that this game is best understood and appreciated when viewed through the lens of months and years, not hours and days. Yes, it’s pretty cool to join up and charge off to war. And most of us love to watch our stats go up and our battle influence increase. But for most, this thrill drops off over time… without total immersion in our culture, battles become stale and repetitive. Stats begin to look miniscule compared to the Battle Hero’s… and people lose interest. I ask that you stay the course. Enjoyment of this world gets better over time with the proper attitude and participation. Simple things like elections should be viewed as the amazing events that they are. Viewing the change of Presidential administrations each month is truly one of the great joys of citizenship. To watch as your fellow citizens band together and draw their friends and allies close and seek to run this country of thousands is something to behold. You’ll see the good and the bad – the petty and the honorable. You’ll reap the benefits of dedicated citizens spending 10+ hours online daily for weeks at a time – all the while being entertained by the various “characters” that inhabit our world, some of whom will anger you and some of whom will become good friends. This is the beauty of eRepublik… the BIG PICTURE. Being a part of a dynamic world with thousands of real people from almost every country on Earth… pretty cool. So put the time in… be it “two-clicking” for a few minutes a day to becoming our President and chatting with a leader from halfway around the world in the middle of the night, wondering how in the heck you’ll be able to function the next day.

It may seem a bit “silly” now, but one day I hope you can look back on your life as a eRepublik citizen and have great PRIDE in what you have done. Yes, it’s a game, but the lives you affect and the joy you may bring to another through your friendship and allegiance is as real as anything in the Universe.

Proud Federalist & member of Easy Company