Day 1,223, 10:02 Published in Australia Greece by James Revan

Hello my Australian friends. I am half Greek half Australian in real life so i decided to visit my second country. I just came from Greece and i was really happy to find out that my citizenship request was accepted. I still don't know by who cause it won't show yet. The only thing i have to say is thank you very much to whoever accepted my request.

I will do my best to help Australia and it's players in any way! (I am less than an hour here and i've already fought in the battle of Auckland)

I just have one question. Now that i have the Australian citizenship the market license costs 20 or 5 gold? Because i've heard that the license of the country that you've got citizenship costs 5 gold instead of 20!! I will be waiting for your reply. Take care!!!

Thank you 🙂
James Revan (Dimitris)