Never thought I would say this...

Day 477, 00:13 Published in USA USA by Al-Iksander

Do not forget to press the red button. It is of vital strategic importance that Oaxaca be returned to Mexico. Otherwise, Portugal will be able to press the advantage that they have gained from The Southeast. If we lose Oaxaca, that will be the last American region connecting us to Portugal, since we lost the battle for The Gulf.
If we win this, and win this we must, then Portugal will at least be delayed, since they will need to declare war on Mexico to advance.
Or they could always attack the US directly. Although that is not advised, since it would activate our alliances.
Unless you want to give Portugal a window into American territory (rea😛 not mexican regions but American home territories, A.K.A. the STATES), viva la resistance!
*Eppur Si Muove
And Yet It Moves*

Update: As of this writing, the wall is at 3927 in the no-man's land. This is unacceptable. We need to lower that wall!
Update 2: About 5 or 10 minutes later and we have the wall at 545 in suburbia! Keep up the great work everyone! It would seem that everyone was waiting to fight until the new day started.