Never gonna' give you up-Why I still play

Day 1,890, 12:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Joku Gones

Dear friends, today I want to delve into why our game is so enjoyable. The reasons why we come back, day after day and have a good time. Despite the flaws that are undeniable, and present in pretty much every module, Rick Astley serves up a pretty fitting song that contains my sentiment.

Wise words from a wise man!

In fact I have a couple terribly embarrassing confessions to make. Firstly, I’ve spent real life actual money on this (and I cry when I think of how many pints it could’ve financed) and secondly, I find myself loving this game. That leaves a burning, terrifying question of why?

The sacrifices we make...
I suppose there’s a few little contributors here and there, there’s still fun to be found in writing articles, trying to get involved in government and in foreign affairs. You can’t gloss over the occasional nail biters that come down on the battlefield and votes, nobody can resist the thrill of a close victory. But I guess the real reason I stick about, treat the game as a hobby worth putting money into, actually put some effort into this unconquerable task, is the people I find, the amazing community we take part in. Y’see, we’re all mad here.

The colourful cast of characters that make up the rich tapestry of people you meet playing is more than enough to draw me back. I have had friendly, enjoyable conversations with nearly everyone I’ve met because half the time we’re all actually on the same team. Sometimes we let our differences get in the way of that sure, but I’ve found it pretty rare to chat to someone who I don’t like in the end. From sweet saints like Mittekemuis, who split their time between minecraft and pancakes to inspirational figures like Talon who are just mad in general. Supposed scourges like Sage Goku and Iain Keers, painted out to be villainous bad guys boil down to committed individuals who only want the best, whether or not you agree with their methods.

At the same time as friendly chats, there are disagreements. Sure, they sometimes get out of hand, the best of us can lose our cool, forget we’re on the same team and drop off into the murky waters of personal insults. But at it’s core, our disagreements are healthy, they inspire debate and communication, you get a chance to fight a corner and prove a point. A whole new level of competition flows through this and, when properly controlled, there’s so much to be gained from it. This factors into what will keep me playing really, a loyal opposition situation, a group willing to hold the incumbent government accountable for their mistakes but work hand in hand with them for the benefit of the nation. This ideal has been shattered of late, with the demonised divide being brought into every disagreement but if anything this just gives me an aim, a purpose, a problem that needs to be solved. Another reason to stick around and play.

So yes, we’re playing a broken game. But luckily enough we’re playing with a bunch of broken people and I couldn’t be happier to get a chance to meet everyone I can. So here’s to the Talons, Mittes, Keers’ and Gokus. The Waynes, Applebys,Hughs and Counts. The Alfas, Alphas, Cheetahs and Cheaters. It wouldn’t be the same without you, and I certainly wouldn’t still be here.

One day....
So don’t hesitate to become another in the long list of people I'm lucky enough to be able to chat with. Find me on IRC in #5nugzjam at nearly any time, drop into my inbox for a friendly chat in game or on the forums or even just add me as a friend so you pop up in my shout feed!