Neotkrivene zemlje (2.dio)-Intervju sa POL MOFA-om

Day 1,144, 09:58 Published in Croatia Croatia by Frenky98

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Recimo da imamo 1000 aktivnih igraca,iako znam da imamo sigurno 1500 koji lupaju po zapovjedima.Za Sloveniju lupa oko 600-800 igraca.
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Slovenija nam je jedina prepreka,kada je prodemo na konju smo.

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Jednostavno je,kada prodemo Sloveniju imamo gomilu nerazvijenih zemalja sa gomilom resursa koji nam trebaju.A sada trebamo iskljuciti srce i ukljuciti mozak.Mir sa Srbima je logican ako zelimo doci do ovih regija.Osim toga,pogledajmo ovaj clanak:
Zalite se kako nema dovoljno za izvoz,pa ako osvojimo ove regije dobiti cemo bonuse i mozda ce se ekonomija pokrenuti,a sa time cemo ekonomski osnaziti i opet zaratiti sa Srbijom.

A sada za kraj donosim intervju sa Poljskim MOFA-om,Pierre Dzoncy-em:

Frenky98: So who are you in RL?
Pierre: Student of Technical University
Frenky98: When did you start to play erepublik?
Pierre: Year ago
Frenky98: What do you think about croatia?
Pierre: Great country, best ally that any country can have.
Frenky98: And about the POL-HUN MPP thing?
Pierre: It is really hard question.We both know that relations between ePoland and eRomania were awfull for long time.And for some time relations between Poland and Hungary were getting only better.It is something I can't pretty describe.Polish people wanted it and I didn't have much to say.
Frenky98: So Croatia and Poland are still friends?
Pierre: Of course.This MPP isn't against Croatia.Which Poles likes as always. You were showing us support everytime we needed it.And You had our help too.So we are still friends and I hope we will be forever.
Frenky98: What do you think about EDEN?
Pierre: Hmmmm,when I started playing EDEN was already built.
I didn't seen any other way for it's members.
But then eUSA after few selfish decissions had left EDEN.It was beginning.Next we had argues between few countries in aTO/pTO whatever You call it activities.Specially between Poland and Romania... like in Czech R., Bealarus, Russia or even Bolivia.Plus Poland was accused by Romanians for not helping in their wars with Hungary.But please look again at damage done in there.Of course both countries have it's point of view.There were bad things made by both countries.
Frenky98: is there any chance of poland signing a MPP with romania?
Pierre: And somehow I can't see any way we can work with each other... and what would EDEN be without supporting eachother.
Pierre: Mybe there is. Myself I like Romania, but once again in alliance there is no place for acting as somekind of Empire, when you are not. And if Romania would look at their bad moves in past and start alking like brothers not somekind of oposite side, than I am open for talkings.
Pierre: Of course I like Romania.Know a lot of great people in there.But for sometime their reactions were really bad for Polish view.
Frenky98: and the last question,what do you want to say to cro ppl that say that poland has betrayed croatia?
Pierre: Never. Please, do not overreact. Poland would not do anything against Croatia.And there are no talkings about betrayal.
Frenky98 Thank you 😉

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