NEED WORKERS + pay raise

Day 63, 00:00 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by shadowukcs

***This has been posted in name of the Ammu-nation company***

dear ppl of E-republik, the UK and employees of Ammu-nation,

my weapons company (Ammu-Nation) has not doing so well in the past weeks. There was a great short of GBP's and I hardly couln't afford to pay my workers. eventually I was forced to pay them from my own money and thus forced myself to eat Q1 food or sometimes no food at all.

This however changed since today. I found out that about 385 ITL on my account that I was unaware of (I presumed that sales in ITL where automatically converted to GBP, which was not the case). I sold those today and I now have a reasonable amount of GBP's in my company. An extra factor is there is a sudden large amount of demand for weapons on the Italian market ( I suggest a diplomat or spy tries to out what is going on there) so I have come into a short of workers.

That is why I urgently need workers with a weapon skill of +2.0 (I can't hire ppl with a lower skill since I produce Q2 weapons). The pay will be 4 GBP/day. and you will be working with a contract of fixed duration as long as the ITL or UK market demands weapons. (this means that I can fire you when business is going bad provided that I post you your resignation 2 days in advance, but as it looks now, that will not be somewhere soon)*

Extra news:
My current workers will btw all receive a +0.5GBP pay raise, for their loyalty and hard work in the hard times we now have behind us.

And to all other ppl in this great country I would like to say. buy weapons, buy weapons now. support our economy and buy weapons.

*=I would also like to state that, due to a mutual agreement with paul Hudson, I do NOT hire any of the workers that are currently working in his company. If you are fired by Paul Hudson you are of course welcome in my company (providing that you have a skill of +2.00)