Need For Emergency Measures

Day 1,041, 10:22 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Che Guevara ll

Currently, the capitalist scum that have infiltrated our parties are leading a neck and neck battle to impeach our Communist president, Utku. You can see it here:

Right now, we're winning, but only a moment ago, the capitalist scum were winning.

This is a direct attack against the CSSR. The capitalists are using every single means available to them to destroy the Czech Republic, and to destroy us. They are ruthlessly, and mercilessly clawing at us at every moment, utilizing all of their assets.

Up until now, we have have been lazying about, thinking of potential cooperation, and other things that will never happen. Now things have changed. We've had to come within votes of losing the presidency before we could realise that we are on a dangerous path.

The capitalists are using every weapon they have. We have weapons which could destroy the capitalist threat once and for all, and could put it into effect this instant.

I speak of course, of Ultimate Tax. 99% tax in all manufactoring sectors. This would destroy the capitalists and their private sector, and leave only the state standing tall.

Capitalists live for one reason and one reason only; this reason is profit. By eliminating companies, we'll eliminate all profit from them. They'll be forced to leave the country, join us, or die.

We are in a state of complete emergency. Unless we initiate war communism taxes now, we are in risk of allowing the means of production to fall back into capitalist hands.

Workers of the World, Unite!