Necros Xiaoban, I Cannot Tolerate

Day 1,016, 17:40 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

Wow! I can't believe how long it has been since I wrote on my citizen's paper. Before I continue on with the piece, I would like to apologize for the lack of activity I have submitted on this newspaper. I have been so frantically busy writing on other papers, such as the HobbitTon Industries Updates and the Federalist Paper, that I have almost lost sight of this one. I am sorry, and I promise that I will start picking up activity on this paper once again!

Furthermore, I would like to thank all my current subscribers because I have accumulated over 100 subscribers! I still wonder to this day how 100 people give a crap about what I have to say. It is just incredible. Thank you guys so much for the support you have given me in my short eLife. I cannot have come this far from a newbie without every single one of you!

In fourteen days, we will be heading to the polls and electing another president of the United States of America. To speak with honesty, you cannot properly judge a POTUS unless you have been in their shoes because of the demanding stress it takes. You must put in time and dedication to this fine country to have a good approval rate. But America, we must be weary because someone is running.

You might have heard of Necros Xiaoban. If you have not, he was a former Speaker of the House and a proud member of the United States Worker's Party. As you may know, I have been elected into Congress in New Hampshire yet again (thank you!), and immediately one of the first discussions I had was the impeachment of Necros Xiaoban as Speaker of the House.

To my pleasure, he has been impeached as Speaker of the House. In my opinion, he has been one of the worst Speakers of the House of all time. Before you start assaulting me, let me say that I have been smart and looked through the previous Congressional threads and weighed the previous SoHs against him. I also asked many former Congressmen and even some former Speakers of Houses.

For one, he did the bare minimum of what a Speaker of the House was supposed to do. He did moderate, occasionally. Sometimes a thread would get out of hand before it was moderated, and I feel that a Speaker of House was supposed to do a lot more. I mean, I would have even wanted rainysunday to succeed him. She has worked her butt off mass messaging Senators on a daily basis.

What I am worried about is Necros Xiaoban is running for President of the United States. We cannot have this man in office. Sure, he has a flashy avatar that could give someone a seizure, but if he cannot hold the job of SoH, how can he hold a tougher job as POTUS? Furthermore, does not have the leadership to withstand the responsibilities of the POTUS.

Remember the time that the eUS Forums totally shut down? We really needed a way to communicate and continue the daily function of Congress, and IRC was not a reliable form of communication for us. Nothing was done by him during that time of crisis. Much of my term was gone due to this. He could have at least created a temporary forum specifically for Congressional use. A forum like that was made, but not by him. This is a direct example of him not taking the initiative.

Before someone becomes POTUS, he or she usually has a media mogul medal. Necros Xiaoban has over 300 subscribers. Communication is a must for any leader, and even in Congress, I cannot appreciate the lack of communication the man had between him and his peers. This man did not take the initiative. He was fine with the bare minimum, and that is what is keeping me worried.

Still, to this point, I cannot understand if NX is running a legitimate campaign or just a lulz thing. That enough should be enough to discourage you for voting for him.

With that off my hairy hobbit chest, I can move onto something more current. The United States media has always been crappy. Every time I check the latest section, I am not surprised to see frequent crap articles with not though or composition in it. I mean, sure there are some great ones here and there, but for the most part, meh.

If you have noticed in the last couple of days, Necros Xiaoban has gotten an absurd amount of votes. Well that can be normal with someone with over three media mogul medals, he got more than 100 votes in thirty minutes. How can this be, you ask? This can be accomplished with zombies, lots and lots and lots of zombies.

This screenshot, taken by Alexander Hamilton, shows how many organizations Necros Xiaoban owns. He has over 4000 friends, a vast amount are these organizations. Zombies. Lots and lots of zombies. No wonder he joined the USWP

As you can see, Necros Xiaoban has been using these organizations to boost up his vote count on his articles. This is perfectly legal. The problem I see is more ethical than anything. Obviously, it costs a copious amount of gold to create all these organizations, and Necros Xiaoban had no where this amount of gold. Hmm, I wonder who the richest guy on eRepublik Rising is?

That's right, Max McFarland 2. The rich man transferred over 1000 gold to NX, so he could create all those organizations. I am disappointed in Necros Xiaoban for doing this. Not only does this discourage of many of these up and coming writers trying to make a break in the media biz, but we could have done so much with gold. Russian takeover anyone?

Syrup, another United States citizen using tons of organizations for his media achievement, has also made me sad. Even though NX used his methods to "counter" his immense votes, Syrup is still to blame for hurting the United States media. Yes, be ashamed, very ashamed. Think about it. If Syrup didn't do what he did, then NX wouldn't have done what he did. Am I right? Probably not.

Can someone tell me what is going on? This is getting on my nerves more than Golum done before he bit of my finger. Man, I just told him to pull my finger, but he just bit it clean off.

Don't take this the wrong way, Necros Xiaoban is a good dude. He is nice and understandable, but given the circumstances, he cannot become POTUS. The example above should be enough to sway your vote for him. Maybe if he matures a little bit he might be ready, but now, I don't think so. He is not the worst person in the United States, we can thank Pizza the Hut for that.

I would like to conclude this article by saying two things. VOTE KREMS FOR POTUS! He has done a fantastic job as the current POTUS and will continue to do so. He has a great work ethic and a strong heart. He would not be running if he didn't think he could win. Secondly, congratulations on becoming Speaker of the House ligtreb! It took you long enough.

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