National Service For Citizen Applicants.

Day 786, 12:02 Published in Australia Australia by M0TT0M

Last night on #ausrep I had come up with an idea for a National Service type scheme along with a huge helping hand from Cainsie who helped put these ideas together. The idea come about when hearing about the current state of the citizen applicantions.

This scheme involves any person wanting an eAustralian citizenship willing to prove their loyalty to their soon-to-be new eCountry.

This service for citizenship is based on RL system. Hopeful citizen applicants are told what gov company to work in, they are monitored on how they keep their wellness and how often they work. The gov companies are low paid and depending what they produce the products are either sold off [food] or go to the military[weps/gifts]

The military will be reformed in the way weps are distrabuted. Landlocked citizens[senators] will be required to work in gov run companies but will be given higher wages.

Quality levels will be handed out as follows. AAR Q1, ACUK Q2 and DB are Q3. If you work for a gov run company you will be given 1Q lvl above your default. Higher weps will still be stocked for our countries defence.

The GC [gov companies] for iron will be abroad in a high region. Workers will volunteer to be posted abroad and will be issued with MT.

A citizen applicant can work under this scheme for what ever amount of time is thought to be reasonable (yet to be decided), and after served time they will be given an immediate citizenship, appointed to appropriate military branch and awarded some weapons for their loyalty to their new country.

This can be open to all loyal eAustralians who are willing to help out their country aswell.

This is just a thought nothing officail, it isnt meant to replace the current military set-up (It is a way of hopefully minimalising the weapons problem) and is extremely rough around the edges, I understand this may be extremely difficult to get running yet alone maintain it. I do however think some sort of scheme should be set up for those wanting eAus citizenships and our country's supply of weapons.

I am open to all thoughts and opinions.

Yet another article from The_Bugle
Written by Cainsie and M0TT0M.

P.S I have the utmost respect for Cainsie and his help in bringing this idea to LIFE!.. sort of, i hope it goes somewhere.